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This weekend was designated for the boy - so I hopped the Hiawatha service into Union Station on Friday.
Peckish, we trekked up to Fullerton and Lincoln and ate Fish & Chips at the Red Lion. Despite a slightly crabby waitress, it was delicious. I love a pub that has Strongbow and automatically brings malt vinegar with your fish. Not to mention that their coffee was horrible. Completely burnt and almost undrinkable. Classicly British.
Saturday saw some shopping. H&M is an evil, shiny apple. I resisted it’s temptations by silently chanting an Egypt mantra in my head. Onto Bed Bath & Beyond - where Brian’s apartment became a little more girl friendly - I got a pillow and the bathroom got a shiny garbage can.
Saturday night we took our chances with a Lebanese restaurant - Kan Zaman. Fabulous little pillowed booth and yummy food, but another crabby waiter. They had a bellydancer, which made up for it. Very Samantha. Blonde and about as Egyptian style as you can get.
Today was lazy - slept in, yoga & drills, Edwardo’s pizza and movies in lew of large men tackling each other for a phallic trophy.
I’m in Chicago again tomorrow working out paperwork for my trip and hoping my passport’s ok - I spilled some stuff on it. Hopefully I won’t have to get a replacement in a short period of time.
Goals for this week? Sleep enough. Do yoga once a day. Yesterday and today were a good start. Get some cardio in and work with my sword some. Work less than last week, work on myself more.