Beta Wanted --

Oct 19, 2003 19:34

I totally forgot that tomorrow is Viggo's birthday, and it occurs to me that I have a VigBean fic sitting here, inches away from completion that it might be nice to get done, beta'd and up tomorrow. *sigh* Problem is, my wonderful, kind, sweet, and above all else, EVIL beta fish is both not online AND very busy lately, so I don't really want to bug her with something that may need major revisions, at least not until it is in its final stages. Can't poke ithiliana either, since she is off somewhere with her menagerie, and nobody else that I know I can thrust stuff at is online.

So, if you're around and willing to beta a very short VigBean fic that only hits PG if you take into account the couple times they say "fuck," and if Canadian spelling does not make you wig out, I'm in need of you.

I'm online now. AltarielofLorien on AIM, 3133847 on ICQ or email me.

My beta readers tend to be content/form-driven rather than spelling and syntax, btw, if that helps.

ETA: gotham_syren is a goddess. Thank you.
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