NZ Mailing Address No Longer Valid and General Update--

Feb 27, 2014 01:24

Hey folks,

Popping up my head to say that while I'm not expecting anything in the mail, this is your official notice to not use the New Zealand mailing address anymore. It is no longer valid, and the Post Office will not redirect mail sent to it (for logical but irritating reasons). Please use my permanent Canadian address to contact me via the mail.

Yes, I'm still in NZ. No, not for long.

No, I'm not done my PhD yet. Yes, I'm getting closer, but we're not there yet. (There is always another wrench waiting to be thrown into the works. I have already encountered several.)

I spend a great deal of time just wanting to write/read fic. I can't do either in any appreciable way, because... I'm supposed to be finishing my damn dissertation. Pfft.

I sent something like 22 postcards to people before Xmas. I think I'm aware of 6 arriving. I have no idea if the rest made it or not. I'm assuming they did? I hope?

If you would like a postcard from NZ, please let me know, since you've got about 3 weeks left.

Thank you so much to the people who sent me holiday cards! You are lovely and sweet, and I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to say so individually. ♥ Thank you.

Other things:

I am so freaking behind on everything. If I was a bird, that would be my call.

I'm even further behind on Sean's various projects. I am a terrible fangirl. I am sure he is weeping sad, sad tears as a result. Sorry, Sean.

I want to see The Two Faces of January badly, not just for Viggo (although he is an excellent reason), but also because it's based on a Patricia Highsmith novel, she of The Talented Mr. Ripley, which I loved deeply in both book and movie form. I have a pile of her other books in my TBR stack.

I saw the encore screening of The National Theatre's Donmar Warehouse production of Coriolanus with Tom Hiddleston last week at the Light House on Cuba. It was both glorious and reminded me why the Histories are not taught as often to lower-level English Lit students. It was my first exposure to that particular play as well, and if I hadn't read a summary before going, I would have been adrift as far as the politics went. But yes. Glorious. For so very many reasons.

I'm watching a lot of TV, but am behind in most simply because what is on NZ TV is rarely running concurrently with North American or UK broadcasts. The closest to airing at the same time is The Walking Dead, which only airs a few hours after it's shown in the States, but that's the exception rather than the rule. I'm watching a handful of things as they air at home (Almost Human, which I love and fear for the future of, Castle, Elementary, Supernatural, and some others I'm forgetting just now), and catching up on the rest. I'm almost done S1 of Hannibal, and I'm enjoying the nods to the original books. I am oddly obsessed with Will Graham's dognapping ways (RETURN THOSE DOGS TO THEIR OWNERS, WILL!), and desperately want to trace the characters' consumption of Hannibal's food and how that relates to their own progress in the plot. I'm also indulging in my love of Agent Coulson as I slowly catch up with Agents of SHIELD, and I just ran out of Arrow eps to watch, which still puts me behind what's currently airing.

I didn't see much of the Olympics, which sucks because while I'm not really into sports, I prefer the Winter Games to the Summer ones. For some strange reason, NZ didn't seem too keen on reporting on them. I can't imagine why. *snort*

Predictably, I've gotten to know a couple people better just as I'm in my last stretch before leaving. It just fucking figures. *throws up hands* Not that I'm turning up my nose now, just that I don't get why I couldn't have made better connections in the three years before.

I'm expecting fairly complicated emotions to arise around leaving, and am trying to prepare for that. This is not my home, and never has been, and it's been rocky here at the best of times, but that doesn't mean it was a 100% foul experience, and I'm sure there will be things I miss. In theory. I assume. We'll see.

I wish I had a better sense of what people have been up to, but I honestly haven't had much of a chance to do anything but navigate my program and all the packing and moving and packing and moving and packing involved. (Dear god, it was like it was never going to end.) And I still have plenty of things to close out here, so I'm going to remain absent for a while longer. Bleh.

I hope you're all well.

personal:academics, personal:life, fandom:viggo mortensen, fandom:media:theatre, lj:updates, personal:new zealand, fandom:sean bean, fandom:media:movies, fandom:media:tv

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