LJ New Anti-Spam Measures Gone Awry--

May 05, 2013 13:43

Hi folks!

I am having a heck of a time keeping up with LJ right now, as I'm in the weeds with my first diss draft. I hope everyone's well; I know it's been very quiet around here/our corner of fandom lately, and that's a real shame. I miss the lot of you, and I especially miss those who have gone into lurker mode. I hope lurking won't become a permanent state for you. -_-

Anyway, I wanted to pop up and pass on some quick info. I don't know if there's been an announcement to this effect yet or anything, but LJ's latest anti-spam measures code rollout appears to have gone a bit awry, and has caught a bunch of innocent comms in its automated net, which has resulted in some unwarranted suspendings (mainly of comms, it looks like). A bit frustratingly, it appears as if LJ is only unsuspending journals if they're made aware the comm shouldn't have been suspended, but it also appears as if they're currently listening to reports from non-maintainers/moderators/owners instead of restricting it to just the owners/mods/maintainers, who may not even know anything's happened. (Apparently the suspend notifications didn't go out either.)

So, my suggestion would be to give your profiles a quick look, check to see if any of the comms you watch/are a member of are suspended, and then send LJ a short note through the LJ Abuse form here. The turnaround time seems to be pretty quick. I reported getitwright's suspension, and it was back up and unsuspended in under an hour. (Unfortunately, this uncovered sandfordpolice's suspending, so I've got in a new report on that one right now.)

It's all pretty quick and painless, and I figure it's worth it to take a minute and give your comms a look and report any suspensions, whether you're the comm owner or not.

Oh, and May the Fourth Be With You! ^_~

personal:academics, personal:life, fandom:media:movies, fandom:meta, lj:misc, lj:links, lj:updates

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