Still Swamped, Still Sorry. *scuffs toe*

Dec 09, 2012 01:29

Hi again! I know, I know, every time I show up lately, it's to apologize for being inattentive, for making people wait, and I'm doing the same again now. *hangs head* Sorry, everyone.

I know I have things to read and feedback to leave and kind messages to answer. And I'm not sure how much it helps, but I am honestly, honestly always pleased to hear from you guys, and always, always touched by your kind gestures, so I'm not deliberately being a heartless and/or frosty bitch. I'm just caught up in way too many tasks and deadlines, and can only deal with time-sensitive things right now.

I'm going home for the holidays on Tues. (And have a hilarious tale of chapter deadlines and supervisory meeting schedules which has me literally meeting to discuss that chapter draft mere hours before I have to be in a cab on the way to the airport. ...And by "hilarious," I mean, "stupid.") Give me a couple days to recover a little from jetlag, and I'll start catching up at that point. At most, I have a conference paper to start cobbling together while I'm home, which means holy crap, I don't have to start cranking out another dissertation chapter until late Jan. WOO! (Which is code for saying, "I am really hoping to be more present, at least while I'm at home, and to get my LJ participation back under control.")

So please forgive me and be patient with me for a little while longer? *bats eyelashes* (How great will it be when I stop making these kind of posts, eh? -_-) ♥

personal:new zealand, personal:academics, personal:life

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