I'm actually quite enjoying LJ's new expand/collapse feature so far. It's handy for reading stuff straight off my Flist if I don't need the entire entry open. Oh, and if anyone's baffled as to how to get into the full entry via the cut when using a PC (I was at first), just right-click on the cut and open it in another tab/window. Subject titles and comment/leave a comment links will take you directly there with just a left-click too.
Also, I don't know if this has been happening to a lot of people, but a little while ago I complained about how a fic I was crossposting to a couple unmoderated comms was going straight to the moderation queue in each. After a lot of futzing, I realized that what was triggering the move to moderation was the presence of a link to AO3.
A little while later, it happened to a friend of mine in an entirely different comm. I spoke to the moderator about it (another friend), and it turned out that not only had friend #1's post ended up there, but so had another member's. The thing all of these posts have in common? Yep, AO3 links.
Then yesterday
lj_releases announced some changes -- such as the expand/collapse lj-cut -- which included the following:
Communities now have the option to send entries back to the moderation queue if they are edited and the new version contains links that have not been added to the community's whitelist.
"Oh, fuck," I thought, "There goes the workaround I was going to use in the future: post without the link, then edit any AO3 links in." So I got off my butt and sent in a Support request last night asking for AO3 to be added to LJ's top-level whitelist.
I heard back this morning, and the request has been passed along! The timeline for it being added is a little vague, since the person who sent it up the chain doesn't know how long it will take, but so long as they approve the request, hopefully within the next few weeks AO3 will stop triggering LJ's spam filters!
Frankly, I'm a bit surprised I haven't heard of this happening to more people.