1. I would like to thank god and all the little fishes for whomever decided to make Eric bisexual on True Blood. (And most of the other vamps too.) Yes. Yes, indeedy. I don't even care that he's mostly used it for his own personal gain so far. Isn't that why he does everything? ^_^
2. I swear, the Canadian Conservatives make me want to tear my hair out. Tonight (Wednesday night), they're holding a free vote on Motion M312, which, if passed, would have the gov't "studying" when the point of human life begins with the intention of bringing whatever they found into law. This motion was brought forth by a backbencher, which would usually mean it would die a ridiculous death without getting anywhere, but the free vote makes it something more unpredictable. As much as they protest that it's not, this is an obvious move towards criminalizing abortion or curtailing women's rights to abortion past a particular artificial date. This has been settled since 1988. Nineteen-eighty-eight, for fuck's sake.
(Canada does not have restrictions on the time-limit within which an abortion can take place. The actual birth is considered the point where life begins, for all intents and purposes, and gee, somehow abortions aren't some big free-for all. They've been declining steadily in Canada since at least 1998, and third-term abortions rarely happen.)
I want to punch something. Or someone. Right in the nose. Preferrably that backbencher, Stephen Harper, and every damn politician who votes to pass the motion. Grrr. It absolutely does not surprise me that it's a pack of mainly men trying to fuck around in what Canadian women can or can't do with their own uteri. I honestly don't care what your personal beliefs are on abortion, so long as those beliefs don't impact other people's access. Whatever you decide in your own life, for your own self, is a-ok by me. So long as your choices stay yours, and you keep them out of my body.
Anyway, I filled out the petition a couple days ago
here, and the real kicker, that just made me laugh in a "Ha Ha That's So Not Funny It's Funny," way, was that of the seven politicians my message was auto-sent to, only two replied: one was Elizabeth May, the Leader of the Green Party, and while it was a prepared form statement, it was obvious that she'd put some thought into it, and it appeared to come directly from her; the other was my MP -- who I have never, ever voted for in all her time in Parliament, because I hate everything she stands for -- and her email was from some low-level staffer who gave me the two sentence brush off, AND spelled my last name wrong. AWESOME. Good job. I suddenly have so much more confidence in you, Minster Whackjob.
Nineteen eighty-eight, for fuck's sake. Goddamn, I want to grab the people who voted the Conservatives in, shake them by their lapels, and shout, "Look what you have wrought!" There are so many other crappy things the Tories have done during their tenure, I just don't have time to write about them all. GRRRRR. Bastards. I'm gonna pass a motion that allows me access to fuck around in your urethras, assholes! ...Whoa. The massive biological problems with that sentence just hit me. Hoo boy.
ETA: Doing some reading, I see a lot of assertions that this is a ploy by the Conservatives to draw focus from actual real issues that should be debated and given more focus, which I can completely believe. Also, that the motion is unlikely to pass (thank goodness), and even if it does, it will very likely be struck down by the Supreme Court soon thereafter, as abortion is considered a fundamental right in Canada. Still, any way you slice it, as a legitimate attempt to screw Canadian women over or a smokescreen to hide other issues, it's a dick move. One that has me very stabby.