[NFB] A Log Driver’s Waltz Pleases 98% of Canadian Girls Completely--

Aug 28, 2012 23:08

As a result of the intersection between this tweet and a conversation with slashpile earlier today, I found myself awash in old National Film Board of Canada (NFB) videos this afternoon, which means that you, you lucky people, get a hefty helping of Canadiana. ^_~

And really, while I remembered Canada Day back in July, I completely failed to post anything for it (which I'm sure was only noticeable to me, but hey, it bugged me), so this can stand in its stead (as will that picture of Shawn Ashmore wearing nothing but the flag, which I should upload soon *G*).

So here's a few animated NFB shorts that are just so thoroughly Canadian, they're part of the backdrop of my childhood. *G*

This first one is The Log Driver's Waltz, and I swear to god, there was a pretty lengthy period of time when it was on TV every. single. day. Every day, at something like 3:56 pm, on the CBC. It's really catchy, but it got to the point where I knew it backwards and forwards, upside-down and rightside-up, awake and asleep, and started to loathe it. *G* Luckily, that was a while ago, and now, while I can still sing along without missing a beat, I'm back to enjoying it.

Blackfly: Oh god, I don't know what to say about this one, other than it's a really upbeat tune about a scourge of northern Canadian life, the black fly. Those little buggers... they're so tiny you may not notice them individually (although you certainly notice the giant swarming clouds of black dots) but when they bite you... OW. And argh, do they ever take a chunk out of you. Little bastards.

The Cat Came Back: This one never fails to make me laugh. It used to play periodically on the movie channels, or rather sporadically on other stations. It was great, and also hard to catch for repeat viewings.

Poor Old Mr. Johnson. Goddamn cat. ^_~ And oh, I do love all the little touches and additions the animation gives the song. *snicker*

And finally, The Hockey Sweater. This isn't a song, but rather a short story by Roch Carrier that used to play near Christmas every year. (It actually might still show up then.) This is the English version, but since it's actually a French Canadian tale, there's a version with corresponding French narration as well, and in the English version, the hockey game at the beginning is all in French. Don't worry, though, it's pretty obvious what's happening during the game. *G* The story has some beautiful touches, including ordering from the Eaton's catalogue, and the constant rivalry between the Canadiens and the Maple Leafs. ^_^

This short story was actually one that was part of the Albertan curriculum, so in addition to watching it, I ended up studying it as well. *snort*

Anyway, I don't have any real point in grouping these together, I just want to share them, and I hope you enjoy. They make me smile, anyway. *G*

canada:misc, fandom:media:art, fandom:media:tv

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