Journal/Comm Recs and Mac Help Needed!

May 14, 2012 13:35

*mwah* Thank you, govi20, for the lovely basket of flowers! They're so pretty, and really put a smile on my face. And thank you too, rubyelf, for the Planned Parenthood vgift. Such a great and important organization, I'm glad to see LJ supporting it. ♥

I always forget how quiet it gets on LJ this time of year, and how the weekends make that even more obvious. *sigh* I mean, obviously I'm not helping either, since I'm pretty much MIA and way behind on reading/commenting on fic and the like. Still, it'd be nice to have a little more activity on my Flist from a casual standpoint, so... Suggestions? LotR people I should know but don't? Recs for people and comms in other fandoms? I've jumped right on that Avengers bandwagon, but am just flailing around uselessly right now, mostly going, "OMG, Coulson! OMG, Tony! OMG, EVERYONE!" I'm not really into Clint, but everything/everyone else is fair game. The other fandoms are the usual: Sean Bean-related, Viggo Mortensen-related, Fringe, SPN, LOST, The Borgias, The X-Files... Danke!

Other than that, I need some information from expert Mac users. You know how sometimes, if you cut and paste from a word processing program into another window, the formatting from the word processor can get carried over, and in terms of LJ, it ends up forcing all sorts of text changes on the post?

On a PC, the solution is to save as a text file, or C&P to Notepad first, then C&P from there, effectively stripping out the excess formatting. How do you do the same on a Mac? Help, please?

BUT. I have no idea how to do that with a Mac.

personal:life, fandom:viggo mortensen, fandom:sean bean, fandom:media:tv:x-files, fandom:media:movies, fandom:media:tv:lost, fandom:media:tv, lj:misc

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