[Poisson d'Avril] Fishing for a New Fandom--

Apr 01, 2012 21:49

ETA (04/02/2012): The following is an April Fool's Day Prank. I'm not hopping fandoms, I'm not locking down anything, I'm not reediting existing fics for new fandoms, nor anything else I claimed here. This post is meant in fun only, and harbours no malicious intent whatsoever. I hope you all got a little chuckle out of it.

(I'll be unscreening the real replies I left for people in a moment, so you can tell I didn't leave anyone on the hook for long. I'm not 100% cruel, I promise.)

So I suppose it's no secret that I'm having a tough time of things of late. Of course, that means I'm leaning on fandom more heavily, needing it more as a source of escape, and, well... I'm finding myself fairly disappointed in that particular department. There's less people writing, less people reading, and it's become an exercise in frustration and disappointment each time I put myself out there.

So I've decided to be proactive and work on changing my own fortunes, on getting what I want out of fandom once again. I'm thinking the best way of doing that is likely via changing fandoms to something more active. Hockey RPS seems to be pretty popular these days, so I'm thinking of trying my hand at that. I mean, honestly, I already know lots about the game, just because it's part of the background noise of my life.

And in an effort to, well, jump in with both feet, I'm going to start by doing some editing of my old VigBean stories, tweak and change and redo them so that they're fit for reposting in a new form. I think maybe if I use them as raw material, I might be able to make something of them in a new fandom and feel less like I've fallen out of fashion. Luckily, brodeurbunny30, who knows more about hockey than anyone else I know, has promised to help me as I change VigBean over into Iggy/Kipper, or maybe some Sedin slash. And well, hell, it's not like I haven't written hockey!fic in the past, right? There's my silly little Rhett Warrener/Roman Hamrlik PWP Bunny Tales, and of course my LotR AU New Blood. New Blood will be a snap to port over to actual hockey!fic, too.

So this is also fair warning that over the next couple days I'm going to lock down all my old fic in an effort to prepare to edit and change them over. I can't very well repost them if the old versions are still hanging around.

I still have to talk to savageseraph about the fate of Words/Silence/Flesh, mind you. She's not so big on hockey, so... I dunno.

In the meantime, I'm going to start looking for folks to replace me in my moderator positions, take over my LotR exchanges, and replace me at the newsletter. That may take some time, since I want to make sure it's all left in the right hands. Sadly, I just don't think I have the enthusiasm anymore to keep banging my head against the LotR wall when there's more aggravation than appreciation coming out of it all.

I haven't yet decided what to do with all my Aragorn/Boromir FPF, but I'll think of something. I mean, I suppose worst comes to worst, I can make it all over into a medieval Sherlock AU or something; everyone else is all about Cumberbatch, so why can't I be too, right?

I'm taking suggestions for hockey and Sherlock comms to post to, btw.


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