Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. I still have individual thank yous to send out, and my apologies for that.
1. I've mentioned this in various venues, but essentially, I'm sick. I've been sick ever since I got off the damn plane on the way home, because there's no better way to catch something than by spending 13+ hours on a packed flight where a significant number of people are hacking and coughing. At that point, it's fucking inevitable. Yet the worst part is that I'm still sick, even now. Whatever it is, it hangs on like hell and morphs. Yay. Entire trip home: sick as a dog, whee!
2. I'm irrationally annoyed by the Canadian Shack challenge I've been catching wind of. How about we don't a) fetishize my country, b) boil it down to a backwoods stereotype, or c) treat it like a cardboard backdrop to swap in and out at will, hmm?
3. Saw
drag this morning, have seen
the new pictures tonight, and I'm so torn it's unbelievable. On one hand, I'm thrilled he's still doing roles that aren't just exploding-father/beheaded-loyalist/crushed-by-a-cow-son, but on the other hand, I'm dreading (and hoping against hope we won't see) the "hur-hur-hur" fallout. And what I mean by that is the idea that female equals lesser, and that feminization = humiliation. I apparently have a lot of thoughts about this, but most of them are of the squee-crushing kind, so we'll skip them for now.
4. I have had such a nice time at home despite being sick, and I'm so dreading going back it isn't funny. March will be halfway through my program, and I'm holding onto that by my fingernails.
5. I saw my friend S today (and I was the worst lunch companion ever, because I am so sick and tired of being sick that my outlook is basically, "EVERYTHING SUCKS!"), and we did our usual birthday/Xmas present exchange. (We're both winter babies.) ^_^ Among other really lovely things, she gave me
this Pie Cthulhu print, and now I find myself desperately longing for the companion piece,
Cupcake Cthulhu.
6. I'm continuing to navigate the waters of my own ambivalence at posting fiction as feedback gets harder and harder to come by. This has been a perennial problem as I let drafts pile up and repostings fall by the wayside. Ugh.