Just a quick pop-in to say I'm down to about half a dozen Housewarming posts that I haven't fb'd yet, and I should be getting to them soon! (I'm not ignoring those people, nor did I leave them to the end for any reason other than random chance; I'm just fighting against RL obligations and general fatigue at the same time.) I sort of don't really want to post here or comment much on other things until I've given those last very kind, very sweet people the attention they deserve, so... Forgive me, everyone! *mwah* ♥ Once I've done that, I'll double back and answer comments that were left in the wake of this lovely surprise, ok? *squishes Flist*
Also, I found out on Tuesday that a poetry magazine I'd submitted a package of poems to has decided to purchase two, one for publication in their online zine, and one in print, both in February of next year. ^_^ That was a nice little surprise. (And I wouldn't have submitted at all if
savageseraph hadn't encouraged me to do so; the poems in question were silly exercises I did to try my hand at a particular combination of form and theme.)
Oh, and it turns out my university's Post-Grad Association is planning to list all their award winners in the newspaper in late July, and that apparently includes me. (How quickly one forgets that a scholarship is an award, duh.) They're also sending me a certificate. I am oddly bemused by the whole thing, since my other university basically went, "Here. Here's a couple bucks. Now shut up and let Mommy drink the rest of her drink in peace."
I think that's it? Oh! Also, I'm so freaking thrilled for Winnipeg right now. The NHL is a deeply fucked up organization in a lot of ways that it's nice to see something put right for once. For so long, the equation has been Canadian teams moving to the US (and then moved around to other US markets if/when they fail) and viable markets up here being completely ignored. Bettman can kiss my ass. I hope Quebec gets another team within the next couple years as well, and then we can see some more revitalization of Canada's game. Also, I hope they call them the Jets, even if that's unlikely, since the Coyotes probably still own that name. ...Um. And in conclusion... Go Canucks, Go! (Yeah, it's ok if you didn't understand, like, any of that. It all boils down to: "Hockey franchise moving from Atlanta to Winnipeg, yay!" "League commissioner is an asshole!" and "Go, current Canadian team in Stanley Cup finals/playoffs, GO!")