SPN, The Rapture That Wasn't and Rapturethon--

May 22, 2011 23:03

So you know how the Rapture was supposed to happen yesterday, and didn't? I almost caused it to happen today anyway as I nearly set the internet on fire after being spoilered for the season finale of SPN.

The really annoying kicker? I avoided Twitter. I successfully skimmed my Flist and skipped all the SPN parts. I ignored all discussion threads anywhere I wandered that were obviously about SPN. I was safe.

And then I got up this morning, logged into the 'net, and less than an hour later, in the middle of a completely unrelated conversation, one of the other participants dropped the major reveal at the end of the final episode directly in front of my eyes without any warning whatsoever.

I was livid.

Because I am a spoilerphobe. See, my brain is forever fitting together the pieces of things, often to the detriment of any story I'm reading/watching/consuming. I am not a Read The End First person, which means I am invested in the surprise of finding out what happens. When I figure things out too quickly, too neatly, or too obviously, then part of the joy of consuming vanishes.

To illustrate: When a friend accidentally spoilered me for a major plot twist of A Lick of Frost (I know, bad book, bad series, but I'm addicted anyway), I was so pissed off I couldn't bring myself to pick up the book again for more than a year. When I read, if a reveal is imminent, I will cover up with my hand paragraphs on the page I haven't read yet for fear of my eyes flicking down and picking out what happens before I get there. ...I have still not watched A Game of Thrones because I was spoilered for the resolution of a particular character arc, and now I'm busy resenting the hell out of the story.

None of these are isolated incidents. I like to be surprised, full stop. I like to experience the story as it unfolds, not know in advance where it's going. I've trained my friends and family to ask before they proceed with spoilery details of anything (because I don't care if I'm not invested in the story), as I am never amused when someone deliberately spoils me. Want to see me at my most humourless? That'd be a good time.

So, yeah. I very much wanted to burn down the interwebz when i found out what happened at the end before I had a chance to see it.

Anyway. To prevent further spoilering, like learning that [Redacted Thing 1] or [Redacted Thing 2] happened, I managed to squish in both eps this evening, woot! And honestly, I'm actually looking forward to next season to see how it plays out. Spoilers! I totally bought Crazy!Cas, and while setting him up as the Big Bad was a bit of an obvious conclusion, I am thoroughly onboard with all the angsting and feelings they're all having over Cas' plan, and now his overpowered, hulked-out, creepy-crazy-Godlike state. Hello, Wrathful Cas!

I fully expect the next season to be all about defeating/fixing him, and I'm hopeful that that means a return of Chuck. Also, I'm mildly pissed that they got rid of Balthazar, because he was awesome, and I was very much enjoying the ex-boyfriend-meets-new-boyfriend vibe. ^_^ I do hope Cas uses his awesome powers to bring him back, and maybe Jo and Ellen too. Loving how Dean, Sam and Bobby will have to dance around him and smile and generally be careful (like the boy who could send people to the cornfield in that old Twilight Zone episode), and how Cas is quite, quite off the rails now, and has a rather twisted view of how everything really is.

Also loved how abandoned Cas feels. Thought that was a great way to bring all the demands and favours and expectations the Winchesters always had of him to the forefront, and how, well... they never really bothered to do much for him when the chips were down.

Loved Crowley, too, and I'm looking forward to seeing what plans Cas supposedly has for him. I'm sure Crowley will wriggle out of whatever's thrown at him.

I am hoping for many a twisted, kinky, BDSMy Dean/Cas fic, now. Cannot wait for that. All of this is tailor-made for that sort of thing, dammit. ♥ /Spoilers

So in conclusion, while it wasn't as amazing as the end of Season 5 (and didn't shock me as much as Fringe, which I remained unspoiled for), it was a pretty damn solid season ender, yay!

...And going back to the Rapture bit... You know what would be fun? An apocalyptic ficathon, in time for Dec. 21, 2012. It could be all about AUs preventing the apocalypse, or set in various apocalypses... Think of the possibilities! Zombies, plagues, be-all-end-all wars, raptures... No? Of course, it'd be smack in the middle of exchange season, which would not work so well. Bah. And frankly, I don't even know how one would run a successful one. Hmm, hmmm. Still. It'd be cool.

P.S. I know, I know, I've slowed down answering my Housewarming posts. I'm really sorry. I haven't forgotten, I've just been trying very hard to balance everything, including the preparation I had to do for a horrible, sucky, soul-destroying seminar I had this week. You all still give me incredible warm-fuzzies whenever I look at what you did for me, and if you're patient with me, I promise I'll answer each of you who are still waiting with all the care you were so kind as to bestow on me. ♥

Potential for spoilers in the comments! Be aware!

personal:life, fandom:meta:rants, fandom:media:tv

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