So Who's This 'Bore-oh-meer' You All Keep Talking About?

May 05, 2011 00:43

...Sorry, guys, I'm trying not to post, post, post until I've finished reading/answering everyone individually (but I do hope it's ok I'm making a protracted fuss over this all, because holy crap, you're all so damn awesome), but I can't help but say:

God, guys, you'd think I really liked Sean Bean and that weird Viggo bloke or something! ^_~ *snicker*

I have no idea how so many of you have managed to get that impression! *G*

(Also, seriously loving all the posts, Bean-n-Viggo-content or no. OMG, castles in the sky! Pretty picspams! Amazing fics and graphics and messages and things! I'm so freaking spoiled and lucky. ♥)

fandom:lotr, personal:life, fandom:viggo mortensen, fandom:lotrips:vigbean, fandom:sean bean, lj:meta, fandom:meta, fandom:lotrips

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