Boring Update of the Computer Kind--

Apr 07, 2010 23:50

Am currently on my dad's laptop. Took me an hour to get the thing up and running correctly, because I forget every time I use it that "my" programs on it haven't been updated since the last time I used it (since he doesn't use those programs; although it is gracious of him to let me keep the bare bones on here just in case).

That meant I got home from work a half hour early, booted up the computer, and ended up logging in a half hour later than usual. *snort* Good times.

The computer guys tell me my queue ETA is 2-3 days (because I'm still on their priority service plan), rather than the 4-6 the non-service-plan people have to wait. My fingers are crossed that this means I'll have my laptop back and fixed by Friday at the latest. I hope, I hope. (Otherwise, middleearthnews is getting posted insanely early/late on Friday, since the middle bit is when I'll be netless.)

So anyway. I work in the late afternoons/evenings, so I was home for a couple hours after I took the laptop in, and before I went to work. When I got home from work, Dad looked at me and said, "What did you do all day without a computer?"

"I thought about using the computer." There was no other answer I could possibly give, since nothing makes me think about being online more than not being able to login. ^_~ (I mean, come on, I have thought processes like, "I should post about how much it sucks not to be able to post. ...Oh, wait." and "I could check [insert site here] and see what's going-- Dammit!" *facepalm*)

And now that I have access? I am exhausted and mostly just want to flop. Perhaps tomorrow, while I am computerless, I shall be productive in the real world. *shudder* If I must.

Hope you kids are being good in the meantime! Or... I don't know, maybe I want you to be naughty, so I have something interesting to read about later. *G* Ok, how about this? Don't do anything explicitly illegal!

personal:life, personal:work, fandom:comm:m-e news

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