VDay, Valin Nosta, and Misc.--

Feb 14, 2010 14:40

Couple of things. ^_~ Been a bit scarce around here due to Surprise!Deadlines, yay. They are dealt with, however (as of this past Tuesday, and hopefully that's all of them *crosses fingers*), and while it's been a busy end of the week, I'm slowly getting back up to speed.

Oh, and OMG, I have a banner at the top of my LJ for the first time ever (and a smaller version in my profile)! And it is sooooo pretty, and feels like it has belonged there all along. (And it sorta makes my LJ feel more permanent, you know?) I spent the first few days after I got it and uploaded it just sitting, staring at it. It's courtesy glaringcandle, via one of the help_haiti Lightning Rounds. She also made some story banners and icons at my request, and they're just as fantastic, but I'll have to debut those later. *G*


Thank you so much, liars_dance, cinzia, ribby, nieninque121, savageseraph, brodeurbunny30, govi20, ullman79 and alex_quine (under my supersekkrit!identity, no less! ^_~) for the sweet virtual bear hugs, balloons, tissues, cake and chocolates! *G* They made me grin like crazy.

With few exceptions (ones I could count on one hand, I am sure), I usually celebrate the martyrdom of any number of Saints named Valentine with my family and friends, taking the opportunity to make sure they know I love them. So. In the spirit of that...

(Click through for larger.)

Valentine by James Stowe.
More beyond adorable SW valentines here.
I hope everyone has a lovely Valentine's Day/Chocolate Day/New Year/Sunday! ♥

Valin Nosta!

Apparently I failed to realize that Jan. 27th was sons_of_gondor's 7th anniversary. Whoops! *hangs head* But man, 7 years with the same two mods. Is that, like, some sort of record? O_o Anyway...

A bunch of very Happy Belated Birthdays to moanahine, darkrosetiger, kandadze, rifleman_s, weotolkien and afra_schatz, and a very Happy Early Birthday to wdnsdyschld, kenazfiction, liars_dance, uisgich, toft_froggy and anthos65!
I hope you all had/have wonderful celebrations of your day, and that the year ahead brings nothing but joy. ♥ (Did I miss anyone who had/is having a birthday? Please, please do let me know if I have. My memory and the LJ birthday function only gets me so far.)

And yep, I still owe a couple folks haikus/6 word stories, but for the present time I am kittylass's bitch faithful servant, so until I'm done writing for her, I'll have to wait on catching up on those. However, anyone who is having a birthday this month, feel free to prompt me in the comments, and I'll cough up -- possibly literally -- a 6 word story or haiku of your very own. (The Management does not promise that the resulting products will be good, however. *shifty*) You do need to indicate you want a story, though, because I'll assume any comments that don't say so explicitly/contain a prompt are simply normal comments.

Anyway. I have a VDay threesome date with one of my best buddies, brodeurbunny30, and a Mr. Bean (whom I am told is quite handsome and charming) to get ready for, so I shall be off to see the both of them this afternoon.

...And then sometime in here I have to find time to read more of Life of Pi. Hmm. Oh well! I suspect VigBean!BDSM is a little higher up the list than men nicknamed "3.14" priority-wise just now. ^_~

personal:academics, personal:life, fandom:lotrips:vigbean, lj:celebrations, fandom:sean bean, fandom:comm:sog, fandom:literature, lj:misc

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