Some of you may have already seen this, but it has been making me smile for days now, so I have to pass it on.
Scene-stealing squirrel crashes Banff tourist photo ![](
A cheeky squirrel in Alberta's Banff National Park has gone viral after stealing the spotlight in a tourist's photo.
Melissa Brandts, who was visiting from Minnesota, had set up her camera on a tripod to capture her and her husband, Jackson, in front of picturesque Lake Minnewanka in May.
"We had our camera set up on some rocks and were getting ready to take the picture when this curious little ground squirrel appeared, became intrigued with the sound of the focusing camera and popped right into our shot!" she wrote.
The ground squirrel became the focus of the picture as the couple faded into the background.
Jackson Brandts took a few more shots using a remote-control shutter.
"A once in a lifetime moment! We were laughing about this little guy for days!" wrote his wife. [
*G* Let me just say that as someone who, as a small child, was assaulted by a gang of unruly chippunks chipmunks in the same area (close, anyway, at Lake Louise), this is business as usual for the small wildlife up there. ^_~ Chipmunks, squirrels, groundhogs (technically, I'd call this guy a groundhog), porcupines... The birds, too. The whiskeyjacks have no compunction about mugging you if it means food ("Pretzels, yay! Bread, yay! Crackers, yay! Cookies, yay! ...You better have more food in there, or we're going to go Hitchcockian on your ass..."). Ah, Banff. You are made of awesome (and bears; awesome bears).
This squirrel is going to keep me laughing for ages.