Can't Win for Trying--

Jul 15, 2008 23:13

Yeah. So, um. You know how I've been pretty scarce around here lately? Ummm... Well, I might be a bit more scarce for a while.

Long story short, my lovely, not-a-year-old-yet laptop has run into a rather serious cosmetic problem: there is a crack in the casing, one that was not there on Monday morning, but that showed up out of the blue Monday afternoon.

This development was a bit of a shock, as it was just fine after the trip to Victoria last month. Since then it has sat on my coffee table, mostly left open, so there wasn't even any pressure on the part that cracked. This is in addition to some paint-wear issues that have been cropping up. It's amazing, since the insides of the comp perform beautifully, and I've run into very few problems.

Anyway, the crack necessitated a trip to the comp guys (also Monday), who told me they'd have to send it back to the manufacturer, as it wasn't something they were allowed to fix. So I had to take my poor laptop back home, because there was no way I was going to let it out of my hands until I'd pulled all the data off it. ...Um, I probably shouldn't have let 60GB+ of stuff pile up there, should I?

Since I didn't have a stable external drive handy, I burned it all to disk, 4GB at a time. ...And that meant I did not sleep last night. Because it takes a long, long time to burn that much data to disk. *sigh* Yes, indeedy, it does. I gave up on the hope of so much as a wink of real sleep somewhere around 5am. And yes, I went in to work in the morning. I don't feel buzzed so much as fuzzy-headed and a bit woozy, oh, and yes, I hate all of humankind. Because lack of sleep will make the antisocial girl even more antisocial, and a hell of a lot less tolerant of everyone.

I parted with my laptop this afternoon (painful; I kept wanting to shriek, "But all my friends live in there!"), and have had estimates of return ranging anywhere from just over a week (if the one guy in town who is certified to repair my model can get the parent company's approval), to ten business days, to up to thirty days. Man, one week is too long. Thirty days? I will cry. But supposedly that is in an extreme circumstance (i.e. they have to ship it to Markham, and then wait for the replacement parts from Asia). I'm hoping for in-town repair. *crosses fingers tightly*

Anyway, in the meantime, since our nine-year-old desktop died a little while ago and we haven't replaced it yet, I am startlingly, disturbingly, depressingly without easy access to the internet. My father is being incredibly helpful, and is bringing his work laptop home with him in the evenings so I can use it until I get my baby back. Unfortunately, I am still limited in terms of access times, programs, and my entire Inbox, including address book, is currently squirreled away in "backup" mode. I am, essentially, unable to answer emails from before I discovered the crack, and that means I can't get some professional stuff done either. *sigh* Some important professional stuff I really need/want to get rolling.

So, yeah. The parent company promises a ten-business-day turnaround for most concerns, so the thirty day thing is unlikely, and I have my fingers crossed that it's even shorter than that. At this point, I'm less concerned about whether or not the warranty covers the repairs (it should, but I've been getting different opinions from different comp guys), and much more concerned about getting it fixed up ship-shape and returned to me.

Of course, this is on top of the sunburn from hell (picked up in Victoria; parts of me are still red, having not yet faded to tan), the cough/runny nose that won't leave, the agony of the missing sunglasses (prescription, and they did eventually show up again, but not until after an extended torturous absence worthy of a full-blown opera), the baffling gigantic flock of magpies that seem to be pecking at our chimney, and the wasps' nest in the birdhouse on our balcony. Ah, death by a thousand papercuts. Awesome.

...So anyway, I'll check in as I can as this goes on, but I can't really promise to be very useful until I'm back up and running on my own system, Inbox and email restored, and of course at that point I will go back to being as useful as I ever am. ^_~

*sigh* Somebody save me from this, please? Or even better, give me back my laptop, repaired and unmolested? *puppyeyes*

personal:life, lj:updates

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