So yesterday I started doing some container gardening, because we seem to be past the possibility of more snow or frost for the Spring/Summer. (Never say never, though, not here.). I like potted plants, primarily because in addition to being very pretty, they tend not to come with embedded ants and worms and creepy crawlies. (I tend to largely leave the actual-in-the-dirt-gardening to Dad as a result. *shudder*)
Anyway, while I was pulling out the old, dry growth and churning up the dirt in preparation to start gardening, I came upon a peanut, buried in one of the pots. I laughed, tossed it into the yard, finished off the pot, and turned my attention to the next. ...Where I quickly uncovered another peanut. This was a bit odd, to say the least, but I shrugged, tossed it in the same direction as the last, and wondered if I should start a tally.
Turns out that might've been a good idea. In six pots, I found four peanuts and one pine cone, each one buried in a different container. How they got there is a mystery, since they overwinter in the garage, which is usually closed, and they're only usually out the front, in the open, while they're filled with flowers.
So I'm asking you, dear
Flist, for your theories. And what better way than with a poll? ^_~
Poll The Case of the Mysterious Buried Peanuts...Right, then. Duty calls. Back to the planters! Who knows what amazing things I will find today? ^_^ (Hopefully more time. ...For that fic I'm supposed to be writing, or the one I'm supposed to be betaing, or the myriad little things I need to get done. *sigh* Well, at least I wasted some time earlier today overhauling my Reading!Sean icon. That was productive, right? ...Right?)