
Jul 30, 2003 04:43

Updated. List. Letters. Here.

I believe Dave's entry will have to wait until later. He talks too much, and Sean's competing for his fair share of space right now. It pains me to not have the time, trust me.

Gardener's Chronicle: A Ten Year Journal of Your Garden's Growth

Plant inventory:

Botanical name:
Common name:

Average height:

Price per unit:

I couldn't look away from him. Not for a second. Not even to slip my hand through the loop he held open for me.

It took a couple tries to slip my hand in, but once I had and Viggo had tightened the knot, I felt the fear that was still dogging me start to fade. I was giving myself up to Viggo, giving myself over to him in the full knowledge that he wasn't going to betray me. Wasn't going to leave me here, bound in words as much as in deed. Wasn't going to walk away.

Viggo didn't give me more than a moment to think on my predicament. He drew my fingers into his mouth, sucking on each one in turn, swirling his tongue around them, all the while watching me, refusing to let me look away, close my eyes. My heart thudded in my chest, and involuntarily, my free hand came up to brush across Viggo's side.

He was quick. Didn't miss a beat as he kept the up the slow suction of his mouth on my fingers. He grabbed my hand as soon as it brushed his skin, as soon as I felt his warmth, and pressed it down into the mattress. I moaned, pushed against him, struggled to free myself, to make sure I couldn't get free. I let myself relax, let my breathing deepen.

Viggo leaned over me, ready to tie down my other hand. I tried to sit up, tried to brush against him, feel his chest slide across my own, but instead he laughed and leaned back, denying me that simple pleasure.

He held out the rope. "Your hand, Sean."

Once he'd tightened the knot around my wrist he showed the fingers of my good hand the same attention, still watching, waiting for each reaction.

"Oh, Christ." It was difficult to stay still, to watch him suck on each finger, to feel his mouth slide across my knuckles. I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths, tried to concentrate on something other than the maddening feel of his mouth, his tongue.

He let my hand go, and before I could open my eyes -- did I really want to open them? -- I felt warm, wet touches, tracing down my chest, around my nipples. I hissed as Viggo rolled them in his fingers, lost the cadence of those deep inhalations and exhalations that were keeping me grounded.

He laughed again, wickedly this time, fully aware of his control over me. "Something wrong, Sean?"

"God, no. No." It was wrong to be trussed up like this, wrong to have allowed this to happen, but it felt right. It fitted like nothing else had in a long time. I groaned. "...You're a bastard, you know that?"

"And a passive-aggressive bugger to boot."

Passive-aggressive? It took a moment for the penny to drop into place. Daft Yank. "You-- you fucking bastard." I laughed, awkwardly showed him my bound wrists, "I give."

That must have been the right answer, because he kissed me, slow and sweet. I wanted so much at that moment to hold his head in my hands, to draw him closer to me, to keep him from moving away. I strained against the ropes, unable to do much more than push my head forward, open my mouth to his, keep my lips on him as he shifted backward, broke the kiss.

He spent much less time on my ankles, and before I knew it, I was firmly tied to the bedframe. A quick test made it clear that I wasn't getting away.

Viggo looked at me, his gaze sliding, slipping over my body, lingering here and there. He sat back and began stroking himself. Up and down. Up and down. "You know, this is like a sitting a starving man down at a banquet table."

I wet my lips, wondered what it would be like to be tied down while Viggo thrust into my mouth. I shifted as much as I could against my bonds, smiled, felt myself grow harder. "Christ, you're a tease."

He didn't slow, didn't stop. "Mmm. Have you ever thought about doing this before, elskede?" I could feel the heat of his gaze on my cock. "Have you ever thought about what I might do to you? Were you as hard then as you are now?"

Oh god, he knows. How could he know? I sank my teeth into my bottom lip, trying to stem the thoughts that threatened to spill out uncensored. I thought of early mornings, the tiniest hints of grey dawn trickling through the bedroom window. Of cold tile flooring and harsh, flourescent light, wads of discarded kleenex, shuddering sighs cut off with the side of my hand shoved in my mouth. Of Viggo, asleep and senseless in our bed, his snores the only sound I could hear over my own hitching breath. "Yes. God, yes. After you were spent. After I'd untie you and you'd collapse, sweat slicked and tired. I'd watch you fall asleep and wonder. Bring myself off in the bathroom while you were sleeping." I paused, thinking of then and now, "...But no, it wasn't the same. Not like now."

He groaned, his strokes suddenly halting and erratic. "How... how is this different?"

"It's... I-- I don't know. I fucking want you, Vig. I need you. But I can't... I mean, you're not..." The ropes were tight against my wrists as I pulled, "It's maddening."

"I'm not what? Tell me, Sean. Tell me what you need." He lowered a hand until it was hovering just above my cock. I could feel the heat of his skin across the empty air.

I gave up trying to sort through my own thoughts. Let the stream of words bubble forth unchecked. "You're not... You're so fucking close, but I can't damn well have you, can I?" I thrust upward, thrashing against my confinement. In response, Viggo pulled his hand away by another couple fractions. "Please. Just -- please. Tell me what to say. What to do. Please. Just..." I thrust upward again, "Goddammit!"

"Do you want me to touch you, love?"

I shuddered at the thought. "Yes." God, yes.

He drew his fingers lightly over my cock, teasing me. I shook, no longer able to even control my own movements. The strokes became firmer, faster. "More, Sean?"

"Yes." I ground my teeth together. "Yes!"

He brought me to the edge, again and again, backing off each time. I was lost, entirely at his whim. "I could bring you off just like this, couldn't I?"

Yes. Fuck, yes. I tried and failed to bite back the moans. I tried and failed to keep myself under any semblance of control. Instead I thrust up, into Viggo's palm, punctuating each word I managed to choke out with a thrust. "Jesus! Damn. You. You. Bastard." The ropes held me, kept me from keeping contact with Viggo.

"Is that what you want, Sean?"

"No! No, no, god, no. Please, Vig. Please." My voice gave out on me, left me with nothing but incoherent sounds. I tried again. "Not. Like. This. More, Vig. I want to feel you..."

I heard Viggo moan. "Oh, fuck, Sean. What do you want, elskede? My mouth? My cock? Both?"

I groaned, overwhelmed with ideas, sensations, with pure, raw need.

"Both. All. Everything. Please. You. Just, please, Vig."

Viggo leaned over me, began licking a line from my navel to my nipples, pausing to lick, suck and bite. I whimpered as his teeth scraped over my skin, wanted more than anything to tangle my fingers in his hair.

I felt his mouth on my throat, and managed to choke out the beginnings of the tiny thought that had been lurking at the back of my mind since I asked him to tie me up. "Have you -- Did you..."

His body covered my own, warm skin on skin."Have I what? Hmmm? Did I what?"

"Have you-- Have you thought about this before?" I ground myself against him, moaned as he licked and sucked at my throat. Caught his mouth with my own, and kissed him as deeply as I could manage before he broke away.

"Oh, yes. I've thought about it. I've dreamed about it. About having you sweaty and struggling beneath me." His words were dark, full and ripe on his tongue, promising things he'd only begun to describe. "But as you said earlier, this is so much better. I've ached to crack that control that you value so highly, make you lose yourself."

My whole body shuddered, and I was fearful for a moment that his words alone would bring me off. I suspected that wouldn't please him. "Oh, sweet merciful Christ." I whispered it, tried to gather my wits back around me. "Why... Why didn't you say?"

"I was afraid you'd say no."

"You were probably right, too." I sighed, leaned up to kiss him, "I didn't fucking know."

He leaned down, met me halfway. The kiss lingered, lengthened. "What," he broke the kiss with the word, "didn't you know?"

"I didn't know." I didn't know how right this was, how it fit, how much I needed it. "I didn't know. He was right. Jesus."

Viggo frowned at me, his confusion plain. "Who was right?"

This was not the time. If I had my way, it would never be the time. "No. Jesus, Vig. Don't ask me that. Not now. You saw them. You read them." For a moment, I stood on the edge of the precipice, ready to fall back into the swirl of letters and lies. "He was right, dammit."

Viggo's eyes widened. Understanding dawned on him and he shut them, took a deep breath. "Hush, elskede." I closed my own eyes as he kissed them, quieted at his touch. He lied. He lied. Whatever else Harry was right about, he lied to me. I held on to that fact.

"He was sadly deceived if he thought I'd ever allow him to touch you. You're mine." Viggo kissed me again, quickly but deeply.

My breath quickened, my heart pounding painfully against my ribs.


I managed a whisper. "Yes." I cleared my throat. "Yes." Ground myself against Vig, strained against the ropes, wanted him to know that I was his. His.

Viggo worked his way back down my body, nipping, licking, sucking at my exposed flesh. He paused after each bite, each lick, repeated "Mine," against my skin. The vibrations travelled through my body, manifested themselves as tremors I couldn't stop.






Ohfuckohgodoh- "Yessss."

He stopped at my cock, paused for a moment. I could feel his breath on my skin. It felt like forever before he moved again. Without warning he licked the head, growled, "Mine," and swallowed me.


It's Karl. If you wanted someone else, I can't help you there, mate. If you're looking for me, leave me a message so I can phone you later.


Listen, mate, it's getting kind of late, so if you're not going to call me, I'll hook up with someone else, yeah?

Call me when you're around.


fanfic, fanfic:lotr rpf:w/s/f (my 1/2)

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