Why It Is Important To Watch Torchwood, In Pictures--

Feb 18, 2008 03:08

I had a post about "Adam" and "Reset" around here somewhere, the former boiling down to, "Holy crap, Tosh is hot like burning," and the latter to, "NOOOOOOO!" but I have so far failed to pull that all together, so instead you all get my explanation of why savageseraph has to start watching Torchwood, in pictures. Basically, this consists of a montage of "Who is Jack Kissing Now?"

First, I had to answer the question, "Who is John Barrowman?

Shall we all pause a moment here and stare deep into those lovely eyes? This led to much theorizing on whether or not Mr. Barrowman is currently the hottest man on TV. (You know, when they aren't showing Sean or Viggo movies. ^_~) I fear the only way to adequately determine a winner is if John B., Kiefer Sutherland, Josh Holloway and Naveem Andrews hold an orgy. Preferably televised. After the evening watershed.

Then we got to the meat of the matter, where little commentary is needed:

First up, where it all started: Jack/Nine:

A sweet, lovely, almost-chaste kiss. (Also, I adore Nine, so this is about where I've stopped watching Dr. Who. No, I'm still not over the loss. :-P One season was not enough.)

Then, Jack/Jack:

Mmmm. So sweetly sad. So freaking hot.

And maybe a little more Jack/Jack:

And, y'know, just to fully illustrate my point, a wee bit more Jack/Jack. (Does this count as masturbation on some level? ^_~):

ETA: Ok, fine, how about the whole kiss?

image Click to view

Then, of course, we must move on to the heady mix of sex and violence that is Jack/John, conveniently accompanied by Blur's "Song 2":

If Spike John doesn't come back, I will be crushed forevermore. And we can't have that happening, can we?

ETA: Heck, since I'm embedding vids, we can't do without the full Jack/John, can we?

image Click to view

And finally, my very favourite Torchwood 'ship and possible OTP, Jack/Ianto:

ETA: Added this one later, but it's earlier chronologically, so...

Pretty, no? ...More? Well, I'm happy to oblige:

Why do I not have better pictures of this?

ETA: Jack/Ianto smooching it up in 2x03, link courtesy fawsley:

image Click to view


I adore Ianto like crazy. Love his dry wit and how adorably sexy he and Jack are together, and when talking about one another. Never fails to make me grin.

ETA: And just because Jack is not the only one getting all the men/women...

A poignant, deeply sad moment for Ianto/Cyberwoman:

(More caps from the episode in question here; thanks, lilithilien!)

A very lovely shot of Gwen and a woman I cannot recall the name of:

Very naughty Gwen/Owen:

Very sweet Gwen/Rhys:

ETA (Again): gigitrek kindly reminded me of Owen's penchant for mixing it up as well...


And because, as I said, Toshiko is crazy hot, some shots of her and her constantly doomed loves:

Earnest Toshiko/Tommy:

FWOOM, there goes all electronics in the area Toshiko/Adam:

Yes, I know, not the actual kiss, but her hair is in the way for most of it, and I think these shots are sexier...

And finally, just to prove that John Barrowman is hot regardless who he's kissing, a vid of him and a handful of women. Eeeep. *fans self* Thank you, gotham_syren, for the pointer!

image Click to view

Anyway, I do believe that details Why It Is Important To Watch Torchwood, In Pictures. Have I missed some important plot points smooching scenes? Jack or otherwise? I fear the CBC cut out some of the snogging from Season 1, and I haven't watched the eps on DVD yet, and while I know pretty much every character has made out with a same sex partner, I don't actually recall much of that from the first set of episodes. *woe* I will also take pointers to het smooching, as I realize each instance is extremely important to the development of character, yadda, yadda, plot, blah, blah, wave hand vaguely, make intelligent noises, etc... Did I mention Tosh is hot like burning? ^_~

Note: I have obtained these screencaps from various places on the 'net, including resorting to capping a few of them myself. If you want proper attribution, and you are the original capper, let me know and I'll drop in a note to that effect.

ETA the Billionth: Torchwood Facts. Go. Read. Laugh. ^_~


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