Ok, good fucking lord, I'm weirded out--

Apr 01, 2007 00:46

--Completely. I just received this in my inbox, and it's freaking me out. I've removed the contact info because... Well, because that just seemed right to do. I dunno why, though. Ergh.

April 1, 2007

B. L. Onie & Associates
[Contact info removed.]

[My real name & address.]


Dear Sir or Madam:

We are writing to you on behalf of our client, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Fox"). Fox is the exclusive owner of all rights to the world-famous "Greg the Bunny" television series as well as all related copyrights, trademarks, and indicia of origin (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Greg the Bunny Copyrights and Trademarks"). No one is authorized to copy, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use the Greg the Bunny Copyrights and Trademarks without the express written permission of Fox.

Fox has dedicated tremendous time and resources to the creation of quality entertainment programming such as "Greg the Bunny" and greatly values the comments and suggestions of fans who enjoy Fox's programs. However, the development and distribution of Fox's programs require a collaboration with many different entities, including guild organizations representing actors, directors and writers, as well as local, national and international television stations and cable and satellite programming services. Based in part on these relationships, Fox has a legal responsibility, including many contractual obligations, to prevent the unauthorized distribution of its proprietary material.

We recently discovered that your web site contains unauthorized derivative works of The Greg the Bunny Copyrights and Trademarks in the form of "fan fiction" of "Greg the Bunny."

Based upon our findings, we hereby demand that you confirm to us in writing within fourteen days of receipt of this email and the registered letter that follows that: (i.) you have removed all infringing materials from your site, and (ii.) you will refrain from posting any similar infringing material on the Internet or any other on-line service in the future.

Nothing in this letter shall be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any right or remedy possessed by Fox or any other affected party, all of which are expressly reserved.

D. Avril
of B. L. Onie & Associates
[Contact info removed.]

Oookay, seriously, "world famous?" Does anyone but me *remember* Greg the Bunny? And honestly, I've never in my life written fic about the show. Christsakes, I ran out and bought the DVD when I heard it was available! This has to be a mistake, right? I mean, what? We're all always braced for C&Ds, but what the fuck do you do when you get one for something you've never done? O_o I'm seriously creeped out, and don't even know where to start with this one.

Look, I... Since this is so screwed up, I'm gonna screen comments, ok? I mean, I want to get opinions on what to do next, but I don't want anyone else being singled out, so maybe I'm being paranoid and all, but... Just humour me, ok?


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