Potpourri (Hey, Semagic Even Spellchecks the Subject!)--

Jan 19, 2007 16:25

Bad Telemarketer! No Cookie For You!

I have stumbled on the Canadian Marketing Association's Do Not Call/Mail list! Woo! No idea why I didn't think of looking for it before, but now that I have, yay! *signs up self, family, friends, pets, strangers, random blobs of organic matter*

Thinky Thoughts:

Hey, just_ann_now, did you still want Barb or I to post regarding that issue you brought up, or...? I see you've got some discussion going on about it already, so I'm not sure whether you'd rather we did not. ...I should probably just email you, right? *facepalm*

To Post, or Not to Post:

I appear to be trapped in this horrible LJ-posting cycle with regards to fiction. I won't have time to finish/post anything during the week (Mon.-Thurs.) due to various responsibilities, then Friday comes, and I find myself in a metafandom-induced paranoia that if I post any fiction Friday through Sunday, nobody will see it, let alone comment on it, and come Monday, it'll be so far back in everyone's Flists that it'll be completely forgotten for all time. Monday arrives, and the No Time/No Readers cycle starts all over again.

Does anyone else suffer from this, or are the rest of you simply off enjoying your LJ-free weekends frolicking amongst the daisies or something?

But... But... The Hitcher!

And finally, who schedules staff meetings for the day/evening a new Bean film comes out? Who? *sigh* My work, that's who. Clearly, someone does not have their priorities straight, and I'll give you a clue... It's not me I'm talking about. ^_~

Psychotic!Bean vs. the finer points of binder management. Hmm... It's so hard to choose a favourite.

Now taking bets for how much of the two hour meeting will be Things I Already Know But Have To Suffer Through Again vs. Important New Policies/Programs I Had No Idea About. Winner gets the privilege of comforting me while I sob. Woo hoo!

canada:misc, fandom:sean bean, personal:work, lj:misc

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