LJ Metadata, Hip Hip Hippo, and Teeny LOST ARG Note--

May 07, 2006 01:11

I have managed to hardwire my LJ location metadata so that it says "current location" instead of just "location," and it now resides where it belongs, below my music field. This is a small triumph, since from the moment the new field appeared, the very slight non-me-approved changes it's made to my layout have been bugging the hell out of me. It's not a complex layout by any means, but it is a bit... customized, and I like it just so. Well, it's just so once again. I am still waffling on whether I want to remove the link to Google Maps or not -- it's not like I'm going to put in a real location 99.9% of the time.

ETA: Hey, cool. Things that are clearly not locations still bring up data!

Oh, and since I'm listing triumphs and good things, I finally received my hippo! Hooray! It was getting close to the full 8 weeks, and that was making me a teeny bit anxious. When I opened the box, all I could see was feet. Hee. Poor thing was all squished in there. Got it out, brushed it off, straightened its kerchief, which says "Hip Hippo Hooray!" and notes that all proceeds go to the Calgary Zoo. ^_^ Adorable and fantastic. I love it. And it seems that Telus bought the stuffed animals from a charitable organization to begin with, so bonus there! Buy from a charity to use in a charity, or something like that.

Obligatory LOST ARG Note:
- Notes on The Accuracy Institute here, which I've been to and have done quite a bit of poking through, but not in a concentrated way. More like, "Wow. WOW. Dude." I need to make some time to get back to this.
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