An A/B Fic Fragment (and lots of rambling to boot!)

Jun 28, 2003 04:52

I was just mucking around this evening, answering comments, when I realized that April was the last time I posted any sort of fic... For some reason I though it had been less time than that, but with RL insisting on being terribly, well, insistent, I haven't really had the chance to write anything much in the meantime ( Read more... )

fanfic, fanfic:lotr fpf, fanfic:misc:fragments

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Comments 7

cinzia June 28 2003, 04:48:42 UTC
Oh God--this is awesome, you know that, right? And yes, maybe the ending feels a little too 'abrupt', but... The first four paragraphs are perfect, and the story on the whole... it tears my heart out and makes it bleed. It's so terribly sad, and so gorgeously written. Sorry if it's not very useful feedback, but right now I'm feeling all choked up, and... *sniffs*

Just this morning I was thinking I could watch Boromir's death once again without crying--then I read this. Well, guess what. Turns out I was wrong, after all... ;)

Oh, I also meant to say:

A Boromir-goes-to-Rivendell-as-a-child.
*falls down on her knees and BEGS* Please? Oh, I need to see this! Pretty please?! :)


caras_galadhon June 29 2003, 01:22:03 UTC
this is awesome, you know that, right?
*blush* You're sweet to say so. It's reasonable, anyway.

And yes, maybe the ending feels a little too 'abrupt',
It does. I'm thinking it's because the last 3 sections are entirely too short, but if you think it's for any other reason, please, let me know. I'd like to finally finish this one up and get it out there, and I appear to be at an impasse. ^_^

The first four paragraphs are perfect,
*G* You're entirely too good to me. You mean up to just before Legolas shows up, yes? ("...It seemed impossibly light and delicate. He turned it over, examining the shifting pattern...")

It's so terribly sad, and so gorgeously written. Sorry if it's not very useful feedback, but right now I'm feeling all choked up, and... *sniffs*
Awww! I'm sorry! *hands over kleenex* But I must say you've got me beaming from ear to ear. And it's entirely useful feedback! I hope you don't mind that I'm pelting you with questions.

Turns out I was wrong, after all...
*G* Sorry about that.

Please? Oh, I need to see this! ( ... )


cinzia June 29 2003, 01:53:56 UTC
I'm thinking it's because the last 3 sections are entirely too short, but if you think it's for any other reason, please, let me know.
No, I think you're right--or, they seem too short after sections 2-3, which are the longest (the first section is short, too, but it works nicely as it is). Though you don't need that many words more, imo... you have everything you need already there. :)

You mean up to just before Legolas shows up, yes?
No, I'm stupid! I meant the first four sections ('paragrafo' has a slightly different meaning in Italian, so at times I use the word improperly, sorry!).

But I must say you've got me beaming from ear to ear. And it's entirely useful feedback! I hope you don't mind that I'm pelting you with questions.
Not at all! I love discussing fic-writing... I just hope I can help you finish this, because it's a brilliant story. :)

Um... I could, er... If you want I could send you what I've got written right now,
Oh, I'd love that! Pretty please? :)

although I warn you, it's mostly a short Finduilas flashback. It ( ... )


caras_galadhon July 14 2003, 23:26:07 UTC
*taking notes* Thank you!

I meant the first four sections ('paragrafo' has a slightly different meaning in Italian, so at times I use the word improperly, sorry!).
No worries! I just wanted to clarify what exactly you meant, and hey, I got to learn a new word at the same time!

I love discussing fic-writing...
So do I. ^_^

I just hope I can help you finish this, because it's a brilliant story.
That's very kind of you. I've been stuck on it for way too long now, so it's really great to have other people to chew it over with, and if it's with people whose skills I already respect, well, even better! *hugs you*

And now you tell me there's Finduilas in it, too! I have to see it. *begs shamelessly*
Eeep! I still have to send it your way, don't I? Listen -- if I don't get off my butt and do it tonight, drop me an email (galadriel AT shaw DOT ca) and that should give me a good prod.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: love some parts, but.....the whole? caras_galadhon July 15 2003, 00:45:32 UTC
I will *never* stop snickering at how easily you fell into Sons of Gondor love. Never. ^_^ Of course, I'm thrilled about it too.

I walked all sorts of careful around your Sean/Viggo/David piece, the changing tenses one, which I at first liked then LOVED, when I started writing David/Viggo/Sean!
I'm glad you liked it, but you don't have to worry about being careful. I'm pretty sure I can handle criticism. *G*

(last one is the strongest for me;
Interesting. That part still screams at me, begging for more work. Gimli, in particular, sounds too stiff to me.

it was just too....abrupt for me. Shifts too abrupt?
Definitely, and I think that's a major sticking point. Personally, I'm ok with the shifts between the first and second sections, and the second and third sections, but the rest are lacking.

I want more of Boromir's response to the Lady's Gift
Hmm. I'm going to have to think about that. I hadn't considered expanding that part much if at all. Interesting thought.

The point of view shifts bother me, I feel tossed around too ( ... )


gotham_syren June 30 2003, 18:36:58 UTC
I'll leave the detailed analyses to the previous commenters, but I wanted you to know how refreshing it was to read a fic - even a WIP - that is so well-written. I think, at least amongst the WSs, we've been doing a fair amount of grumbling about the falling off of interesting stories lately, and that becomes painfully obvious when you read something really *good*. I love the second section, with Boromir examining his gift and the hum of the camp behind him. Clean and vivid.

So I hope you'll take that as encouragement to pick up with the story-writing again - if not this one, then some of the others. I miss your lovely stories...

(BTW hope everything - albatross, exams, paper mountains - got polished off to your satisfaction without too much trauma this weekend!)


caras_galadhon July 15 2003, 00:33:17 UTC
I wanted you to know how refreshing it was to read a fic - even a WIP - that is so well-written.
Thank you so much! That's high praise, and I'm very, very flattered.

I miss your lovely stories...
*G* You're sweet. I've missed writing them, to tell you the truth, but when RL wants to, it can make the pleasant things impossible to find time for. And I've really missed reading your wonderful fiction as well! *sigh* Seems we all went AWOL at around the same time, and we're just starting to pick up the pen again, eh?

(BTW hope everything - albatross, exams, paper mountains - got polished off to your satisfaction without too much trauma this weekend!)
*G* They did, thank you! Well, except for the exams I was grading -- it's an internet course, and almost anything that could go wrong during the course did. Ended up going in to the University one afternoon specifically to mark a couple outstanding exams that had been mislabelled and lost in the shuffle. Sheesh. But at least that's over for now.


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