
Mar 08, 2006 13:01

I had the strangest thing happen today. I woke up to the most insistent noise: "tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, TAP, taptap, tap, taptaptap, TAP." It took me a minute, but I figured out that the sound was coming from outside, not in (those of you who remember the ark leaking in the summer will realize this is a good thing), so briefly, I considered hail, since the sound was too strong for rain, and snow doesn't really make noise. Wrong time of year for hail, but hey, it could happen.

So I got out of bed, and approached the window, and that's when I had all sorts of horror movie flashes -- apparently I've been reading/watching too many weird narratives lately. Ergh. I reassured myself that I was 1.) being silly, and 2.) it was probably hail, and drew back the curtain over the window slowly to reveal...

...a little chickadee, perched just below the windowsill, going peck, peck, peck at the side of the house. I was no more than a pane of glass away from the little creature, and it kept pecking away, clearly after something, little black and white head bobbing, tiny flecks of wood flying from its beak. After a few moments, it tired of the chase (or won, I'm not sure) and hopped down the sill a bit, away from me. A moment later it flew over to rest on the fence, and that's when I became aware of the few other chickadees flying just above me, closer to the peak of the roof.

What a nice way to start the day. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that the hares are out tonight as well.


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