GIP! And North Country Press Conference News--

Sep 12, 2005 00:38

It's a simple crop, resize and border job right now, but you knew I needed to icon this moment in time, didn't you?

Haven't been online much today, unfortunately, but I am still much with the squee. *G* ...So, how many people are crossing their fingers, hoping Vig'll accompany visit with Sean at the North Country party? ^_~

The North Country press conference will be streamed here tomorrow (Monday, Sept. 12) at 7 pm Eastern Time. Anybody who can capture streaming video will, no doubt, be loved and worshipped forever, probably by more than just me.

...Oh, Jesus. I have the stream on in the background, and I just heard (and watched) Sean say on the Rushes that he was there to see (and support, the interviewer supplied) his "good friend" Viggo, whom he hasn't seen in about a year and a half. ("Yeah, he's a good friend. I, ah, haven't seen him for about a year and a half." I think that's pretty close to what he said, anyway. It was such a shock to see him interviewed on the HoV carpet that it's all I can do to scramble to recollect and write it down now.) Then he mumbled something about Maria Bello, referring to the fact that both he and Viggo have worked with her. It was right after some shots of Viggo on the carpet, talking to people, making that face that Wireimage caught (with arms thrown up) and getting his picture taken with a cute little girl.

Ok, here's the North Country Press Conference info--

7:00 PM
"North Country" Scheduled to attend: Charlize Theron, Woody Harrelson, Sean Bean, Jeremy Renner, director Niki Caro and writer Michael Seitzman.
[2nd emphasis mine]

My fingers are crossed that someone'll capture it.

ETA: Ok, I caught the Rushes stream again and tried to transcribe on the fly. There was a clip of Viggo talking about how being in high profile films allows one not the luxury to say "Yes," to more projects, but to say "No." Then they cut to Sean, and this is what I caught--

Interviewer: "So you're here to see and support your friend Viggo*."

Sean: "Mmhmm. And Maria Bello [something]**. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't seen Viggo in about a year and a half. Yeah, he's a good friend [and it'll be good to see him]***."

*Paraphrase of interviewer's statement.
**Didn't catch this bit, bit mumbled and drowned out by ambient noise.
***Not as sure about the wording of that last phrase, and I don't want to put words in his mouth.

Best I could do on the fly. Sorry.
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