Title: [Full Story Currently Untitled] "10:00 AM - Dreams: Betrayer/Betrayed"
Author: Galadriel (
Fandom: 24
Pairing: Jack/Nina, Jack/Teri.
Rating: PG-13
Lothlorien. Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Absolutely not mine. 24 belongs entirely to its creators, not me.
Summary: One day ends, another begins. Travelling by boxcar, Jack passes the time in dreams.
Notes: Follows directly from the end of Season 4. Fourth in a series of 24 24 drabbles. Can I manage the full cycle? Stick around and find out. I haven't managed to post a drabble/day so far (RL railroaded me), but there's still time to make the deadline! Many thanks to
stewardess_lotr for rail timeline consultation, and to
makesmewannadie, who asked for 24 fic for her birthday, and then encouraged the bunny I was attempting to ignore.
10:00 AM - Dreams: Betrayer/Betrayed
By Galadriel
Jack dreamed.
Of farewells: past, long past; planned, surprised; in haste, careful minutes measured, hours, days.
Over and over, loop playing in head. Slow-motion bullet twisting, corkscrewing in air. Trigger finger, gunpowder tang; nose, throat burning. Projectile punctured, driven deep inwards. Final metal word, cold statement, steel ending.
Chamaeleon characters: ally, adulterer, traitor, betrayer; friend, lover, wife, betrayed. Nina's sudden surprise, full footing lost, coats turned, turned again. Whole knowledge happenings, harm hitting home. Teri striking floor, body shocked, limp. Loss of centre, self, salvation.
Forced to face Fates, faces; unable to unbind, unhook, unlock from choices made, murdered.
(July 8, 2005)
Crossposted to
Previous drabbles:
7:00 AM - Main Line8:00 AM - Hopper9:00 AM - Switching