Continuing Discussion About LJ Backups--

Jan 17, 2005 01:57

--I've updated my post re: where to find me here, as I'd forgotten one or two things. I may do a locked down/filtered post with more private "where to find me" details later.

In a spectacularly idiotic move, I also didn't keep track of backup journal posts as I went along, and now I'm dreading the idea of trying to find them all, so if you're reading this, would you do me a big favour and drop me a quick comment if you've done one of your own? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
ETA: *grumblegrumblegrumble* All right, you lot. I went back through everyone's LJs and found the posts. If I've missed yours and haven't friended you, though, (assuming you want me to friend you) let me know and I'll scoot over to one of the backups and rectify the situation.
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