A drabble per episode: 10.03

Oct 22, 2014 15:49

(Inspired by the scene in Soul Survivor where Dean goes through a drawer in the bunker kitchen looking for a weapon... he picks up a meat cleaver, then puts it back and takes a hammer instead. Why?)

It’s an intimate business, killing someone with a knife. It’s hard to do without touching them, holding them down. Dean Winchester was good with knives, with any type of blade. Only one Blade will do now, and it was stolen from him. It’s not in this drawer.

A hammer is mayhem. A hammer is used at arm’s length. A hammer is indiscriminate. A hammer is what you use when you’d happily break every bone in a person’s body, even if it didn’t kill him. Dean Winchester would never use a hammer for this.

And that’s why he picks the hammer.

episode coda, fic: moc!dean, 10.03 soul survivor, supernatural, season 10, my fic, drabble, fic: dean winchester

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