9.22 Initial reactions: In which all is forgiven

May 14, 2014 15:07

First, a disclaimer - I'm watching Clap Your Hands If You Believe as I write this (home with a sick kid, thanks TNT!) so I'm probably going to be distracted.

Now. We need to talk about this scene. Because this? With sleeping, frightened, heavy breathing, deep sleepy voice, confused, adorable Sam? This is the best 30 seconds of television I've seen in a long time. I'm going to cut the rest of this episode a lot of slack in appreciation for this. Just saying.

But beyond its obvious artistic merits, this scene says a lot about the brothers right now.
  • Even in the safety (presumed safety, but we'll get to that later) of the bunker, Sam sleeps fully clothed with a gun under his pillow, and he's obviously very much on edge. So he doesn't feel safe. And why would he?
  • Not only does Dean wake him up, but he deliberately pick a really dickish way to wake him up. So he's angry. And a dick.
  • Sam points out that he could have shot Dean, and Dean doesn't care. So either Dean doesn't believe him, or he doesn't care. Make of that what you will.

Sam trying to talk to Dean about the blade is like trying to talk to an alcoholic. Dean can leave the blade any time. See? Look. He's leaving it.

(Better run, man. I think the fourth kind is a butt thing.)

Metatron trying on the trench coat - marvelous. Gadreel's "you said one second" - also marvelous.

Operation Lee Harvey. Do we parse this as taking out the leader (Castiel = JFK)? Or do we read more into it and consider the conspiracy theory/fall guy analogy? Because I'm not completely sure if the suicide bomber angels really thought Castiel had asked/ordered these actions, or if they knew they were working for Metatron but were trying to shift the blame to Cas.

Cas's command center is really unfortunately cheesy. You know how sometimes you watch like you're watching through someone else's eyes, like you're seeing it for the first time, and you think "I would have mocked the hell out of this?" That's how I feel about the command center. Anyway. Dean telling Sam to go with Cas. Oh yeah, you should totally let him send you elsewhere, Sam. It worked out so well last time. I kind of understand why he did this, as stupid as it was. Combine a lifetime of following Dean's lead (and/or Dean's orders) with his reluctance to push him over the edge right now. But still. Don't go, Sammy. It won't end well.

Sam and Cas in the car. I love that Sam is driving. I love that Cas and Sam are spending time together. I just wish someone, anyone, someone in this general vicinity, maybe someone in the same car with Sam, would ask him how he's doing. Also, Cas, why won't you just tell Sam what you know about the Mark? Why do you simply sit back and observe and ask questions? And why didn't they didn't tell Cas Abaddon was dead? Why is he just now hearing this?

Sorry Sam. You're right. This is something I'm going to let slide. Also, I love the way you aim with your right hand before you can even reach over to support it with your left hand. Don't ask me why. This is something I cannot explain.

Nurse Flagstaff!Angel. Honey, do not taunt Dean. Even under the best of circumstances, this is not a good idea. And these are not the best of circumstances. I was actually kind of glad Dean went all Mark-psycho on her ass, cause she was a bitch.

(They were grabby, incandescent douchebags. Good night.)

So, the Tessa thing. Why can Dean see her? Why do the angels know who she is? Are reapers just a subset of angels now? Why are we putting up with this nonsense?

You're right, Sam. I'm sorry. I forgive you all. Let's carry on. God, your nose is so cute.

When the angels insisted on Dean leaving his weapon before he went to "interrogate" Tessa, I knew from the look on his face I knew he had the blade.

And now, my second favorite part of the episode - when Sam and Cas attempt to break into the building, and after it gets dark, Cas finds angelic writing with a not-quite-so-cryptic riddle. I was taking notes to remind myself of what I wanted to talk about in this review, and as soon as Sam said "Because seven ate nine," I laughed and started to type "Speak friend and enter." And then Cas said "like the Doors of Durin" and I was all FUCK YEAH!!!  \o/  \o/

(So if aliens are real, what's next? Hobbits?)

I also loved that Sam figured out the Indiana Jones reference once they got inside. Though I think he might have got his head sliced off even if he'd been on his knees. And then, when they found the fake Heaven, and Cas said "What the hell"... has he ever said that before? It seems to me they've made a conscious effort for him not to use either Hell or God in a casual way.

On the other hand, when Dean told the angels "Y'all can all go to hell," yeah, that was good.

As someone pointed out on Tumblr, Gadreel apparently spent long enough inside Sam to soak up some sass. Because he brought it tonight. (Oh, and I almost forgot - Tyrus the bowling angel called Metatron a nerd! Hee!!!)

So Cas rides back to the bunker with the boys - did he leave his pimpmobile at the command center? I hope not. I'll miss it. It's like a symbol of his independence. Which I guess explains why it's gone now - he's pretty dependent on the Winchesters once again. And, back in the bunker, Dean basically shits all over Sam, proclaiming this a dictatorship (trumps your non-brother partnership, Sam, I guess he showed you) and Sam angrily leaves. Which means he misses the next scene, where Cas (who somehow didn't hear any of the dictatorship conversation) is warmly and fuzzily informed that the three of them will be enough to fix this problem because they always have been before. (Maybe the three of them means Cas, Dean, and the blade?)

ETA... I really, really want Sam to point out that none of this would have happened - Cas would still have his army - if Dean had just left the damn blade at the bunker as he'd promised.

(So you're saying suffering is a GOOD thing.)
And then, who comes strolling into the so-called safety of the bunker but Gadreel. How? Who knows. Maybe he saw Sam hiding a key under the doormat. All I know is, Sam, long-suffering, don't let your own personal wants get in the way of the goal, personally victimized by Gadreel Sam, is willing to work with him if it means stopping Metatron and opening Heaven. Because Sam Winchester is better than you and I. But as soon as Dean extended his hand, I knew what was going to happen. And it did.
(Fight the fairies! You fight those fairies!)

So, when did Gadreel turn? I thought the last time we saw him, he was possibly plotting against Metatron. But this episode makes it look like he was disgruntled but loyal right up until he learned Metatron was sending out the suicide bombers. And is Gadreel really dead? We didn't see wings. I'm not going to call him dead until we see wings. (Or did the preview confirm it?)

I'm unspoiled for the next (last!!!!) episode, please help me stay that way!

supernatural, 9.22 stairway to heaven, initial reaction

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