Fic: You don't know how it feels (to be me)

Mar 04, 2021 12:53

Genre: Gen
Length: About 3600 words
Rating: PG
Characters: Soulless Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Synopsis: Soulless Sam tries to deal with his brother's feelings about, well, everything. Including his hair. Set in season 6, before "You Can't Handle the Truth."

Not the threatened Wincest, not in time for borgmama1of5's birthday. An idea I had a long time ( Read more... )

my fic, fic: soulless sam, supernatural, season 6, fic: dean winchester, sam’s hair, fic: sam winchester

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roxymissrose March 4 2021, 21:42:48 UTC
Damn, this is brilliant! This is Soulless Sam so much! Everyone always made him bloodthirsty or evil, and while I don't mind an evil Sam at all, this is how I imagined Soulless must think--as he says here, the absolute freedom of not giving a single gottdamn about anything outside of himself at all. It made me want to punch him right in the face-how *dare* he treat Dean that way!--but everything he did and thought here perfectly showcased what Sam without a soul was like.

I really did think he screwed the pooch when he got the haircut, but even with all Dean's suspicion and worry, Dean wanted it to be alright, enough so that if all his braincells were working, he would have seen right through Sam's explanation. I felt like you could practically *see* Dean working to accept Sam's excuse, and how freaking smart (and carelessly cruel) to use Dean's hell memories against him when he didn't really have any of his own (if I'm remembering correctly). And I gotta say, I *loved* the horror, Dean's and mine, at Sam getting a haircut. And then! This cold-hearted bastard uses Dean's greatest fear against him, and he's so satisfied at a job well done. And so should you be! This was fantastic--thanks so much for sharing it!


caranfindel March 7 2021, 15:46:25 UTC
Thank you! I agree; I don't think Soulless was evil at all. He just had his own moral code. And yes, Dean was torn at that time, noticing everything different but wanting so much for everything to be okay, and willing to believe it was, for as long as he could.


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