Here we go

Oct 10, 2019 08:48

Oh, my friends. Here we are. Six years and two days ago I sat down to watch 9.01, "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here." It was the first time I'd ever watched the season opener live. And tonight I'm doing it for the last time.

(No, I'm not okay; thanks for asking.)

So, here's the deal. Every once in a while, I say I want something to happen on Show, and it happens. (Example: In 2016 I posted, in my usual completely unspoiled way, that I wanted Bobby back - not dead Bobby, not ghost Bobby, not angel Bobby, not figment-of-Sam's-imagination Bobby, I just wanted real live Bobby. And three days later, we got Safe House.) Will this happen again? Probably not. Am I going to post a list of things I want anyway, just in case? You know it.

Things I want in season 15

Sam gets a car. Preferably an old truck, but I just want him in ANYTHING that he gets to call his own and drive on a regular basis.

Sam gets an angsty shower scene.

Sam and Dean learn the truth about the manipulated voice mail.

Anything addressing the prophecy that Sam will kill Rowena. This does not mean I want Sam to kill Rowena, I just don't want it to be forgotten. Also, anything else involving Sam and Rowena.

Insane Archangel Michael, played by Matt Cohen.

Anything addressing the fact that Sam told Hell they can't have a king and Hell accepted it.

Donna and Jody are still alive at the end. Anyone other side characters can bite it. HOWEVER, and this is very important, Rowena can only die if (1) Sam kills her, and (b) it's part of some grand scheme to save the world. ( For example.)

Priest!Chesters. I need this in my life one more time, y'all.

Sam's orange jacket is destroyed in a particularly nasty fight.

More of Sam in that dark shirt, and Dean in the Red Shirt of Bad Decisions.

Cas is somehow transformed into s4 Cas again, with the poofy hair and the attitude, and stays that way.

The return of Sam's Beard of Despair.

Nineteen MotW episodes.

  • "Hair of the Dog" by Nazareth. I'd love, love, love it if they used this for The Road So Far. I mean, the chorus is "Now you're messing with a son of a bitch." Could anything be more appropriate?
  • Anything by Metallica. They finally splashed out for "Nothing Else Matters" in 13.01, "Lost and Found," and it was magnificent. We need more. Dean deserves it. In particular, I think "Hero of the Day" would be an excellent choice.
  • Anything by Led Zeppelin. Come on, guys, it's Dean's favorite. "Going to California" for a sad scene? "Immigrant Song" for a fight scene? Dean deserves it.
  • Anything by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. I deserve it.

This shirt. This beard. Please and thank you.



One of the brothers dies and the other survives. (Unless they give us the Six Feet Under ending. Then it's not only acceptable, it's preferable.)


The Butch and Sundance ending.


Any discord between the brothers, unless it's of the "no, I'm not going to let you sacrifice yourself" variety.


British Men of Letters.


An entire storyline devoted to Cas, separate from anything Sam and Dean are involved in.


Some completely new Big Bad we've never heard of before.


Anything involving knights or princes or marquises of Hell.


Any focus on angel or demon drama.


Sorry, needed to see this again. No, scratch that. I’m not sorry at all.

So, here it is, universe. Let's see what you'll do with it. (And in April, we'll check this list again and see how it went.)

Will I be disappointed in the way they chose to play out this last season? Most likely. Will it matter? Not at all. Because (1) I am ride-or-die with this show, and (b) I'll write my own ending. I've done it before and I'll do it again. My biggest fear isn't the Show ending, it's the fandom ending with it. I know there will always be a core of us out here, fighting the good fight, but it won't ever be the same.

Ten hours to go, friends.

Reminder: No spoilers in the comments please. Casting info, episode titles, NOTHING. Thank you all for generally being so considerate about this.

chat, pretty, supernatural, season 15, sam's beard, dean's red shirt of bad decisions, i am not okay, fandom

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