Well, that wasn't a waste of 42 minutes of my life. Because I only spent about 10 minutes watching it. As soon as the Supernatural title card showed up, I decided to fast-forward through every scene that didn't include Sam and/or Dean. So these are the notes I took last night:(
Click for vaguely spoilery content )
Comments 12
This is a beautiful and perfect definition of "spinoff." Too bad Carver & crew don't seem to know the meaning of the word.
"I resent that this show even exists." Because they wasted an episode of Supernatural (at this point in the season!) on this crap.
x100,000,000,00099 *wild applause*
I had it on with the mute on for a good chunk, because, well...who cares?
I hadn't heard of Lucien before he was announced in the spinoff, but turns out he's been doing the rounds of high school-based dramas and soaps in the UK for the last few years, playing teenage parts only. He's also a failed pop star and a reality TV star, apparently taking part in Celebrity Big Brother a couple of years ago (not quite sure how he classes as a celebrity though).
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