Don’t stop believing

Mar 28, 2019 13:47

I will, at some point, have more to say about the announcement last week that s15 will be the last season of Supernatural. But today I want to talk about what The Husband said, which is that for the last season, each episode should be a homage to the series finale of a classic TV show. And I kinda love that idea. I mean, imagine all the surviving ( Read more... )

i am not okay, shows that are not supernatural, chat, poll, supernatural, season 15

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fanspired March 29 2019, 13:50:30 UTC
It's 2007 and, fifteen months after the breakdown he had in Palo Alto, Sam finally comes out of the psychotic delusion he's been living in to avoid the pressure of the law school interview that would seal his fate for the rest of his life and admits to his psychiatrist (Dr Novak) that, deep down, he really always wanted to be a writer. He also acknowledges this to his mechanic father who always wanted him to follow him into the family business, and Sam finally forgives John whom he blamed for his mother's suicide since she hung herself from a light fitting when Sam was a baby after discovering that John was having an affair (Yes, Mary was the real woman in white from the pilot - check out her white nightdress at the beginning and note also that the layout of Constance's home was identical to the Winchester home). John, Uncle Bobby, Aunt Ellen and Cousin Jo sit round his bed per the ending of Wizard of Oz and Ellen begs Sam to have a haircut since he's only allowed his hair to be cut once in the whole of the last 15 months. Sam is both sad and relieved to learn that Jess felt unable to keep supporting him through his mental illness and has since moved on to a new relationship. He is much sadder, in fact, to recall that he does not really have a brother. (Check out the apartment in Palo Alto at the start of the pilot: there is a picture of John and Mary but no visible pictures that include Dean). In his remaining time in the sanitarium he recognizes several patients and personnel who clearly inspired the characters of his psychosis - like the pyromaniac psychopath who resembles Lucifer, the redheaded Scottish nurse, and the cockney janitor with his pet Rottweiler, Juliet. Sam searches in vain for a progenitor for the Dean character but is unable to find anyone who fits. He reluctantly concludes that Dean must just have represented an unexpressed part of Sam himself. However, just as he's packing his bag on his last day at the sanitarium a familiar voice asks if he was planning to leave without saying goodbye. He turns to find Dean standing in the doorway. He's been on sick leave so he missed Sam's dramatic recovery, but it turns out he's the orderly who's been responsible for all Sam's practical care for the entire time he's been in the sanitarium. They talk of sealing wax and cabbages and kings for a while, and about times in the past 15 months when Sam has been semi-lucid, and Dean takes an interest in the supernatural thriller novel Sam has started working on. They suggest getting together for a beer some time once Sam has settled into his new life. But before Sam leaves he has to ask: does Dean drive a '67 Chevy Impala? How did you know? asks Dean. Sam hesitates. Maybe you mentioned it sometime, he says. Don't think so. Dean grins. You must be psychic . . .



caranfindel March 29 2019, 15:33:29 UTC

Why is this not a full-blown fic???


fanspired April 2 2019, 01:42:26 UTC
I did plan that it would be once. It was going to be my finale fic that would explain why Sam's hair grew every season, but only about a month's worth of growth each year. But then they cut Sam's hair in season 10 or whenever, so that was the end of that :P


lira_chimera April 1 2019, 00:53:05 UTC

Write this, please, and tag me so I can read it and heap praises all over you!


fanspired April 2 2019, 01:37:26 UTC
Maybe I will, next year. If I do, I'll definitely link you :)


lira_chimera April 4 2019, 23:54:14 UTC
Thank you!


zara_zee October 11 2019, 01:29:40 UTC
Love it! If you do write it, please tag me too!! :D


fanspired October 11 2019, 01:49:28 UTC
Will do :)))


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