Stuff you should be reading!

Apr 29, 2018 15:32

My own personal muse has curled up and died. I've given up on my Big Bang that's due next week, and most likely the Oh Sam comment fill that I think is supposed to come out next week as well. All my muse gives me these days is the finger.

Luckily, other people continue to astound me. In particular, crowroad3, who wrote the amazing Caoinheadh, which is allegedly inspired by my 13.19 episode coda but surpasses it in so, so many ways. And kalliel, of whom I've often said I'd hate her if I didn't love her so much, because she's so talented she just makes me emerald fanfiction green with jealousy. Read How Many Thousands and tell me how right I am.

Why is this here? I don't know. Maybe I just needed to see it today. It's not always about you, you know.
(Sorry, I didn't mean that. It's for you too.)

other people's writing, 13.19 funeralia, pretty, supernatural, rec

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