Below the cut is the updated information I posted for the newly changing Thursday-night Star Wars game. We're transitioning from the traditional ragtag Rebel campaign into the following:
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
In the aftermath of the destruction of Alderaan and the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance finds itself over-extended, undermanned, and under-equipped to take on the whole of the Galactic Empire. Beset on all sides by the Empire, the Rebellion has turned to desperate tactics to stave off the iron grip of Palpatine's myriad minions.
Mutineers against the corrupt Imperial Navy, the crew of the Far Orbit have "liberated" their lone Nebulon-B frigate, seeking allies against the Empire. Striking a deal with Rebel High Command, they offered spoils of war in return for support from the Rebel Alliance. While raiding Imperial shipping and military assets, the crew of the Far Orbit will act as wolves in the fold, attempting to act as proof-of-concept for nascent Rebel Privateering Experiment.
Their lives already forfeit, the mutineers must bet their futures on good fortune the of the Rebel Alliance.
Rebel Alliance: The Far Orbit Project
Classic Star Wars Adventure the way it was meant to be played.
No feats. No d20s. No Gungans.
Please join us on Thursdays for a continuing campaign of daring-do and swashbuckling adventure using West End Games' classic d6 Star Wars system in the Star Wars universe we grew up with .
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Currently (4/27) there are three regular players in the campaign. There's room for up to three additional players, plus occasional drop-ins. The campaign is episodic, and will focus on several groups of characters. Players will have the opportunity to play members of Far Orbit's Command Crew, deckhands, and Boarding Parties, depending on the nature of each week's progress in the campaign.
Reply here, with comments and questions, or email me at the address secretly hidden below.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how the campaign continues in this new iteration, and whether it brings more players aboard.