Game System: The Essoterrorists (GUMSHOE System)
caramidaVariations: None
Power Level: N/A
Number of Players: (up to) 3 Seats Available (hint, hint) ;)
Characters provided? Yes
Date/Time: 13JAN/1000PST
Description: The Essoterrorists are a world-wide conspiracy of cultists dedicated to undermining objective reality. By weakening the barriers of rational thought, making the world seem more senseless and insane, the Essoterrorists work to rend the fabric of shared consensus in order to let the monsters in. Their ultimate ends are shrouded in mystery, but there exists a counter-conspiracy dedicated to preventing the from turning daily life into an unremitting horror nightmare. You are members of this counter-conspiracy, elite, highly-trained investigators standing firm, protecting the rest of the world from terror and insanity. You are the thin line, and only you can find and stop the Essoterrorists.