Nov 01, 2005 13:13
We had a crazy halloween party on saturday night. it was really fun and lasted until 6 in the morning. fun dance party, video projections, great costumes and cupcakes! i met a whole bunch of really great people, too. haven't had an all-night party at my house in a very long time. luckily, all of our friends are older and don't break shit anymore. glad i waited. ;)
so, i kind of hooked up with someone, but nothing serious. it was great to finally get some attention, it has been a little while. i'm not sure it's the best idea to see this guy...for a few reasons. one, he is my neighbor(!). if it doesn't work out and i have to potentially see him every day, that could be a little weird. but I'm not too worried about it, because I'm not pursuing it. we'll hang out if we feel like it, I suppose.
Anyway, our loft is 80% clean, but our one roommate needs to get his shit together and clean the rest. since we all got up sunday morning (hangovers and all) and seriously cleaned just about everything thoroughly. we left him one room to clean and he still hasn't done it. he's a great, charming guy, but the cleaning (or lack thereof) is starting to become an issue. we think it's because he is used to his mom and/or his girlfriends taking care of him...not a valid excuse once you hit your late 20's. it's just annoying.
oh well. other than that--everything at our house is pretty great.
on a more positive note--i'm going to my friend's comedy night tonight. can't wait-it was so good last time. those ladies are hilarious.