Watched 4 new episodes of Supernatural today. And I wrote squee commentary:
Episode 4: Phantom Traveler
Okay, random thought: Sleeping Dean is adorable, even though he wakes at the first sound of noise which, actually, is even more adorable.
KNIFE UNDER PILLOW! Most awesome thing ever!
No way, he went into a copy shop and came out with homeland security badges!?
Why is no one questioning their strange clothing. They don't exactly LOOK like officals.
THEY SUITED UP! (yes, I have been watching How I met Your Mother) Seriously, their awesome points sky rocketed in those suits.
*Snort* Homemade! Sam is a sceptic!
Ha! He wiped his hands on his brother's suit! Respect the suit man!
Oh, busted.
They do look sexy while jumping and running. Especially in suits.
Scary dark cloud of stuff!
Gaah! Slack tie! Even more sexy.
Does the Scary Black Cloud of Doom have a thing for passengers with a phobia of flying?
So, being a very non-american, really? Is this real places in the US? Nasareth?
How the hell did they make that drive? Even with crazy ass driving…
Dean: Master at Whinging it!
Aww. Dean is scared of flying! That's why he's so attached to his car. AWW! He's willing to defy his flying problem just so Sam doesn't have to go alone.
Humming Metalica calms him down!
He brought holywater.
AHAHA! Sam doesn't think Dean knows the name of God in latin.
He's freaking out. And he's really bad at calming himself down!
Ahhh! Creepy black eyes!
Winchesters'! Subtlety… Not your strongest suit.
Oh my god. He's steaming! This is the real exorcism you see in movies. I'm getting Constantine flash backs here.
Oh no! The book, he kicked it away. I promise they'll need it later! And the Scary Black Cloud of Doom got away!
Sam got the book. Good!
Okay, this is really not gonna cure Dean of his flying phobia.
They got it! They got it!
Aw! Poor Sammy. The demon tricked you good.
Shit, Papa Winchester. I'm not sure if I like you!
Episode 5: Bloody Mary
Suddenly mirrors seem very creepy.
Poor Sam and his nightmares. I hope they'll catch that Creepy Fire Thingy by the end of the season.
Ahahah! Sam; wasting Dean's hard earned Poker Money!
That corpse is really, really freakin ugly.
Aren't you almost always underdressed? Dude, more SUITS!
Aww! Poor girl. It's totally your fault!
"We had to go to the bathroom." Together?
Oh no! The computers is out of order, they have to do the old way. How annoying indeed.
Oh Bloody Mary is scary. Like that girl from the Ring!
And what kind of crappy music are you listening to blonde girl. And holy shit! Her EYES are bleeding!!
Random: They're jeans are awesome!
Ahaha! "Do I look like Paris Hilton?" Pop culture references FTW.
Or… revenge on people who have killed someone?
Cut out her eyes with a knife? God, she saw something she wasn't meant to see!
So, if you have done something bad, then Mary will come and get you? OMG! Charlie! What have you done??
Of course, they sold it!
Why do so many people have so many secrets?? Do people really go around killing other people all the time?
BROTHER TALK TIME! Talk him straight, Dean!
Not only did she need to live in a mirror she needed to have a creepy old ass mirror too!
You didn't take out the silent alarm?? Stupid, stupid, stupid!
NO! See! He's bleeding! Where the hell are you Dean!
Oh! Poor, poor Sam!
AAAAAH! That's the Ring if I ever saw anything! Aaah! OMG OMG OMG!
She's killing herself!! Breaking into small mirrors. Man, their good luck levels must have dropped a lot during this episode? LOL! Dean said that a minute after me=) Hee!
Gonna take your own advice Sam?
"You’re my brother, and I'd die for you." !!! AWWWW!
Episode 6: Skin
Did you just leave the victim alone? That's such bad policing!
Was that Dean?
How on earth do they pay for their cell-phones and internets?
Dean is anti social! And that's might be why I like him<3
Uh, yeah, Dean you're going whether you like it or not!
"Dean's a cop!" *Giggle snort*
Why hasn't the crime scene been cleaned yet? It can't be normal to keep a place, where the police had already been and is finished, looking that bloody?
Looks like Dean hates admitting being wrong.
I'm betting we're talking shape-shifter or something.
Oooh! Creepy eyes.
"What do you think this is? Hooters?" "I wish!" Dean, you're a bastard.
He strikes again! And omg! It poses as someone the victim knows! So if she survives she would point out their friends as the evil doer!!!
And hah! I said it was a shape shifter!
Guess you're not a morning person then, Dean?
They're in the sewer.
Where do they get the money to buy SILVER bullets?
"We are not like other people," awesome line.
GUNS! Yay.
Puke inducing.
AAAAH! Crazy eyes is standing right behind them! And Dean got shot or hit or something.
Way to *subtlety* hide your gun there Sam. Can you be more obvious?
Are you sure that's Dean? NO; It isn't.
And Sam just got you!! PLEASE TELL ME SAM UNDERSTOOD… YES, HE DID! I LOVE IT THAT HE GOT ON SO QUICKLY! (Charmed Ones… Watch and learn!)
Oh, Jensen must have had so much fun playing a baddie. Hitting Jared…
Oooh, Dean's mind is killing him. And ooh, Brother Issues.
WOW: Dean has issues, alright.
Oh, Shape-shifter!Dean is a little too nice to Becky here. Creepingly nice.
Okay, it's a little weird seeing Dean do all those bad things.
Aaaand, we're back to the beginning…
OOoh, knife throwing. HE GOT AWAY.
He's shedding his skin! That's just too disgusting! Really, the losing of the teeth? Ugh! Dean does have a nice bod, though.
Oh, that's personal! He STOLE their guns. AND Dean's car. Police isn't as stupid as you'd think… Nice to see that everything doesn't always go smoothly for the Winchester brothers.
Oh shit, he's Becky! Now he's Dean again! Can he change so fast? Wow.
Oooh, Sam knows some moves too.
DEAN! Sam needs backup, like, right now!! There you are!
You kicked his ass good.
Aw, but Sam, you can never go home! Your normal life has just got shot to hell. Goodbye lawschool and your friends.
Hahaha! Dean is wanted for murder.
You can be freaks together!
Episode 7: Hook Man
Oh god, that's an awful noise. Metal against metal, *shudder*
Don't get out of the car, stupid!
Haha! Mocking of girly coffee drinks…
What is he doing? Painting himself purple! Yeah, awesome idea.
*Snort* Coming into a church banging the door? That's an entrance!
Yeah, cause these boys are *really* into the church.
The Hook Man? Most famous urban legend? Never heard of it.
"Welcome to higher education." Hah! So right.
Nerdy!Sam is very cute.
Okay, so the Hook Man is haunting the hook up spot? *hihihi*
"You don't have to be a college graduate to be a genius." Aww Dean.
Oh, busted!
OMG! It went and hooked her friend to death!! And WROTE A CREEPY MESSAGE ON THE WALL! I don't like messages on walls.
They can SMELL spirits? They where totally born to do this.
AHAHA! "This college thing is awesome!" "You're a total geek."
Man, the dad is making it happen! And Dean doesn't get to party with the drunken college girls.
Yes, because cemeteries at night isn't creepy at all!
I thought we were talking about an UN-marked grave? That grave was totally marked, just not with name.
He's burning the corpse/bones… But I solely doubt that's gonna work… Since we're so early into the episode. Or you know, Dean hasn't gotten any bruises yet.
The Hook Man got her dad! Because he's a cheating bitch!
Back to the library. They look sexy reading.
Ooh! Mysterious hook, no longer a hook. What is it that they throw in the fire? Before all the silver I mean…
DON'T LEAVE ALL THE SILVER BEHIND! It might be a trap… Oh it's only crazy Christian girl. And Yes, it's totally your fault!
OMG! Hook Man is scary!!
Looks like it is Sam who's gonna get the bruises in this episode…
AAAAH! He's scratching up the walls!
Of course it had to be around her neck!
Burn cross, BURN!
And look! The Hook Man is meeeeelting!
You suck at lying, Dean.
Haha! "Don't worry, we're leaving town."