Dec 19, 2008 18:03
I went to the dentist today. I have the worst dental fright you can imagine. My mother woke up the entire house thirty minutes before I had to get up, so I got an extra thirty minutes to lie in bed and freak out. My dad said that I looked like death warmed up when he came to wake me, I was that freaked out! Then when I came down there I had to sit and wait for an extra fifteen minutes and I had to keep reminding myself to breathe (Or else I would probably have fainted.) I have just one thing to say: IT'S BEYOND CRUEL TO LET ONE KNOW TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO DRILL OUT TWO CAVITIES!! Because that leaves you with too much freak-out-time.
When I finally got in, my dentist turned out to be a sweet young woman who walked me through everything. I said I wanted as much sedation she could give me. As it turned out, the sedation was what hurt the most.
(Funny story: When I was ten I had a period where I had a lot of cavities. I think I got drilled at least 6 times or something. The thing was that I, at the time, had the biggest phobia against needles. I refused painkillers because that would mean they had to stick a needle in my mouth! so I endured painful drillings in my teeth because of a stupid phobia. Thinking back, that's probably were my dental phobia comes from. The painful memories of drilling without sedation?)
My dentist was very efficient, it took her fifteen minutes to fix my two cavities. I was mightily impressed. When I left I couldn't feel my mouth though. It amused me greatly. I kept tapping my cheeks and smiling and if I hadn't looked in the mirror before I left I would've been convinced that my cheeks were bloated. I also had the insane urge to bite my cheek hard, just because I could. But I'm not stupid! I reckoned it would hurt like a bitch later when the sedation went out.
Since I have now turned eighteen and is legally an adult, the next time I go to the dentist I have to pay for it. Which sucks. Thankfully, I was smart enough to go to the dentist now and fix up everything that was wrong before the year was out. And hopefully I can successfully avoid going there for another year or so.
stories of my life