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anonymous December 29 2017, 23:32:00 UTC
Any, any, why winter comes


ondragonflywing December 30 2017, 22:46:04 UTC
"Why?" The small child looked up at Daenerys, spinning her mothers hair around her fingers. "Why must winter come?"

She gave a small smile to her child. She would not tell her fairytales, but she would not scare her either. "Because if there were never monsters, there could never be any heroes."


anonymous July 3 2018, 16:18:25 UTC
i am not familar with the fandom, but this is a great concept in so few words, great work!!


Doctor Who; Doctor Walter Simeon anonymous January 2 2018, 10:02:04 UTC
As he comes of age, it seems that the strangely talking snow is the only thing that appreciates him; with time, it becomes the only thing that he can appreciate. It comforts him, makes him believe that he is not alone.

With each year that passes, winter cannot come quickly enough to satisfy him.


Narnia - the mournful kingdom of sand edenfalling January 9 2018, 22:30:50 UTC
Note: A tiny glimpse into an AU in which the other sister won the battle in Charn. *evil grin*


"We thought her rule was a blessing at first -- endless summer sounds very pretty, after all, with warm sun, blue skies, and long, lazy afternoons -- but have you ever tried to stay awake for days and days on end?" Mr. Tumnus asked. As Lucy nodded, frowning, he continued, "Exactly so; you fall into a delirium because the body needs sleep, and so it is with seasons; the earth needs the cold, the dark, and the snow, for without them summer's garden quickly becomes a desert, and so it has been in Narnia for a hundred years -- a hundred years of summer and never a drop of rain. When Aslan returns to overthrow the General, he will bring the cool and damp of autumn, and release our suffering land at last into its slumber."


RE: Narnia - the mournful kingdom of sand lizzie_marie_23 February 14 2018, 17:09:42 UTC
i absolutely adore this premise! The last line is especially moving.


Re: Narnia - the mournful kingdom of sand edenfalling February 15 2018, 16:24:07 UTC
Thank you!


RE: Narnia - the mournful kingdom of sand anonymous July 3 2018, 16:20:10 UTC
what a great concept!


Re: Narnia - the mournful kingdom of sand edenfalling July 4 2018, 02:33:24 UTC
Thank you! :)


Hellboy - Liz Sherman&Hellboy (comic verse) anonymous July 3 2018, 00:02:38 UTC
For a while I thought I was the dragon.
I guess I can tell you that now. And, for a while, I thought I was
the princess,
cotton candy pink, sitting there in my room, in the tower of the castle,
young and beautiful and in love and waiting for you with
confidenceSave (save for others, more then save for herself) inside the Bureau - she wiggles her toes and tries to think about Princess in towers (not dragons, she had enough of fire and destruction, screaming, and fear), think about pretty pink dress specialy fitted by fairy good mothers, of soft and sweet, of being protected and loved, she is to old for this kind of fancies of cause, but the only other thing in her cell are the school books they gave her, and no one is around, not even to stick needles in her arm or do any kind other kind of tests, and if it spirals into her thinking of her mother and grandmother, her father, and all the foster families she went through - well she surely deserves the guilt that nibs at her stomach like flames (she should not miss anyone like she does, ( ... )


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