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anonymous December 17 2017, 21:41:50 UTC
Any, any, amethysts and garnets


Homestuck - by her own petard edenfalling January 9 2018, 02:38:55 UTC
In the third month on the meteor, Rose alchemized a pair of friendship rings -- each set with an amethyst and a deep red garnet, nestled together at the base of a filigree silver heart -- intending to give one to Dave in mocking return for the ironically terrible rap he'd written to commemorate her newly admitted crush on Kanaya.

It wasn't until she slipped her half of the set onto her right ring finger and saw the evidence of her connection to Dave (genetic, chosen, whatever) that she realized she'd made an error and stirred genuine emotion within her chest -- and she wasn't sure whether it would hurt worse to see Dave wear his ring ironically or wear it in full sincerity; infuriatingly, Rose couldn't bring herself to simply turn the rings back into grist, so she settled for hiding them in the center of a yarn skein while she tried to decide what to do with them, and who she wanted to become as a person.

The timeline ended before she brought herself to make a choice.


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