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ama_ranth_827 December 5 2017, 05:01:04 UTC
Any, Any, She watched the sunset surrounded by the palpable, yet comforting silence. Her hands were shaking and her mind was blank.


Rogue One, Jyn/Cassian kaminagi December 7 2017, 02:36:30 UTC
The doctors say overcoming trauma can't be forced, to be patient, but Jyn's never been one to wait through suffering.

It's not easy to ignore the trembling of her hands, trying not to remember the blinding light that was almost the last sight she ever would see, each time she sees the sun setting on the horizon of whatever planet they're on.

She's thankful every time Cassian's hand closes around hers (even though his shake as much as hers) as they watch dusk fall and stars begin to fill the sky.


Doctor Who; Amy Pond ama_ranth_827 December 9 2017, 21:17:15 UTC
The sun is setting on the first full day since the Weeping Angel took them away from the life they've known, and Amy cant' stop shaking; what lies ahead is too daunting, and there is so much that she didn't think about at the time.

It isn't that she regrets choosing Rory over the Doctor; while she misses the Doctor already, she loves her husband deeply, and would always choose a normal life with him; she's grown up, has learned to prioritize; and her heart needs Rory in order to be whole.

But now they're living in the past, in an era that she'd never expected to do more than visit in the TARDIS, or to read about in books; the year that she was born is a long way off, and all the conveniences that she knows are out of reach; while she knows that she and Rory can adjust, she also knows that it won't be easy--but it will always be worth it, to be with the man she loves.


Narnia - the sun, the moon, and the truth edenfalling January 9 2018, 02:43:17 UTC
Note: I suspect this is a fragment from the same story as Grass and Silence, which I WILL write properly one of these days.


"I wanted to kill Rabadash," Susan said eventually, as the last rays of the sun faded behind the western horizon and the sky turned velvet dark, shading from deepest blue and violet at the rim to moon-drenched black at the zenith. "More than kill him -- tear him apart, scatter his bloody scraps in the desert to feed the jackals, dance on his bones until they shattered under my feet; what kind of person does that make me?"

"Human," Aslan said, and the comforting warmth of his breath stirred her tangled hair as he shifted close for her to lean on.


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