Tomorrow I'm leaving for a year of
Folk High School. In Norwegian Folkehøgskole. It's school, except it's not, because there's no grades and no homework. But it's school because I will be learning things. My course is called Volleyball and Ski. Besides the courses that come with my chosen line, I can also chose between a variety of other courses too. Like knitting, choir, drama, cooking, climbing, golfing, bicycling, and lots and lots of other things. I'm so very excited! I'll be living away from home for the first time ever, and I'll have a roommate!
So I cannot promise that I'll be around much. I'll have internet, but maybe not so very time. I'll still do the Three Sentence Ficathon in December, if you all want it, of course!(?) But if you want to get in touch with me, I think you'll have better luck on Tumblr, or by email.