Meme: TV Show

Feb 08, 2010 22:31

1. Comment to this post with "I surrender!" and I'll assign you the basis of some TV show idea. (Science fiction show, medical drama, criminal procedure, etc...)
2. Create a cast of characters, including the actors who'd play them
3. Add in any actor photos, character bios and show synopsis that you want.
4. Post to your own journal.

PROMPT: (given by be_themoon) a story about international diplomats and the fragile relationships they build.

I love the fact that Betsy said international because then I could slip in some Norwegians. Both the Norwegian characters are played by Norwegian actors.

The relationships between diplomats are fragile ones. Friendships are good, but the good of ones country always comes first. In Lingua Franca we follow four diplomats and their assistants as they try and make the world a better place.

Series: 5 episodes per season.
Movie-length episodes.

The Norwegian:

Visual: Nicolai Cleve Broch

Name: Christian Hauge
Age: 37
Family: A wife and child
Bio: Is considered one of the best, and thus does a lot of travelling. Wife is not as understanding and they fight. He is hot tempered and expect people to do as they are told. He smokes a lot.

CHRISTIAN: Faen i Helvete! Hva mener du at de ikke vet at vi kommer? Har ikke fått avgjørende tilbake melding? Vel, hvis jeg var deg så hadde jeg fått ræva i gir og fikset den jævla tilbake meldingen. Hvis ikke det er klart om tre timer, så skulle du ønske du aldri hadde tatt denne jobben. For når jeg blir ferdig med deg så er det eneste stedet du kan få jobb er kassa på Rimi! Got it? *snaps phone shut* **
EMMANUELLE: *Raises an eyebrow* Problems, Christian?
CHRISTIAN: *Lights a cigarette* Not at all.

(**Translation: Fucking Hell! What do you mean they don't know we are coming? Haven't got the final conformation yet? Well, if I were you I'd get my ass in gear and get that fucking conformation! If that isn't fixed in three hours you'll wish you never took this job. Because when I'm done with you the only place you'll ever be working again is in the register at Rimi (cheap grocery store).)

The Englishman:

Visual: Michael Sheen

Name: Patrick McBoyd
Age: 45
Family: Divorced, two teenage daughters.
Bio: Newly divorced and quite bitter in general. He's a man of few words, only speaks when he has something to say. Behind the silent façade hides a sharp mind and quick witted tongue.

JOHN: And your ex-wife called, sir...
PATRICK: She left me and took everything I own with her, and now she wants to talk to me?

The Frenchwoman:

Visual: Juliette Binoche

Name: Emmanuelle Duboui
Age: 50
Family: A husband, no kids.
Bio: A distinguished lady who has been around for a while. She knows her way around and if you ask she'd be more than willing to offer some advice. But don't be fooled by her gentle attitude. She will screw you over without batting an eyelash if it benefits France. She also goes through assistants like they were tissues.

EMMANUELLE: It's like I always say: When in doubt, have someone else check it out.

The American:

Visual: Tamara Taylor

Name: Melanie Murdoch
Age: 39
Family: Single.
Bio: This woman will take no bullshit. She knows it's a man's world and she have learned how to live in it. She has few friends, no only because she travels a lot, but because she's a little hard to be around. But she gets the job done, and she loves her job.

MELANIE: You listen here, Mister. Either you get on-board or you get out of my way. It's going to happen either way.

The Assistants:

The Norwegian Assistant:

Visual: Lena Kristine Ellingsen

Name: Liv Bergstad
Age: 30
Family: Single.
Bio: Is one great assistant and proud of it. She looks at this job as a great opportunity, and hopes it will lead her to bigger and greater things. She knows how to think on her feet. And after two years as Christian Hauge's assistant she is one of the few who knows how to calm him down (a cigarette and lemon tea). Is fluent in five languages: Norwegian, English, Spanish, German and French.

LIV: Christian? A Mr. Hendrics on the phone...
CHRISTIAN: Who's that?
LIV: You know, the man who wore that pink polkadot tie and hit on your wife at last years Christmas party?
CHRISTIAN: Oh yeah. Tell him I'm busy.

The English Assistant:

Visual: Paul Bettany

Name: John Hawthorne (the third)
Age: 33
Family: Single. Comes from an old English family and old money. His mother would rather see him settle down than travel the world.
Bio: An optimist who takes life as it comes. A sarcastic know it all, who knows everyone and everything. His job is exactly the job he wants, he has no ambition to climb any further; he sees the stress his boss is under and wants none of it.

JOHN: You fetch coffee?
NICOLE: Yes, it's kind of my job.
JOHN: *shakes head* No, no, no, no. You are the assistant of an important diplomat! You don't fetch coffee! You have minions to do that.
NICOLE: Minions? Who, where?
JOHN: *looks around and spots a guy* Hey! You! Go get some coffee for Mrs. Duboui! *man scurries off in search for coffee*

The French Assistant:

Visual: Chiara Mastalli

Name: Nicole Armand
Age: 29
Family: Single.
Bio: She is efficient, a total gossip, and a bit of a bitch. She's constantly afraid of being replaced, knowing her boss' history when it comes to assistants. She makes it her mission to know everything about everyone.

NICOLE: Fuck up my nails again and I'll scratch out your eyes.

The American Assistant:

Visual: Freema Agyeman

Name: Jenna Freeman
Age: 28
Family: A boyfriend
Bio: She is new at her job, and tries her best at being brilliant. Comes off as a little timid at first. She is a good listener and hears things that usually comes in handy later.

JENNA: And you have a meeting with the Norwegians in two hours. I'm so sorry I didn't remind you before, but I had to deal with the English and...
MELANIE: Jenna! Take a breath. It's okay, I do have a iPhone of my own that beeps every time something important happens. Thank you for getting me one, by the way. It's awesome.


Fanfic written by me:

Lemon Tea; John is pissed because their rooms aren't ready and Liv got everything under control, except for the damn lemon tea.

A Conversation of Magnitude; (Liv/Christian) Christian's problems at home is resulting in him shouting at innocent people. Liv demands to know what is going on.

Three Sentence Fics written by other people:

Lingua Franca, Melanie & Jenna, girl power written by minkhollow

Lingua Franca, John Hawthorne, better than anyone written by ayascythe

isurrender, lj: meme, fandom: lingua franca, fanfiction, picspam

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