Ma Cherie... [Chapter 1/?]

Sep 07, 2010 10:18

       This is a spin or quick drabble, what ever you wanna call it, on a pairing I though of France and Marie Antoinette. I thought of this pairing while whatching one of my favorite movies Marie Anoinette, and ever since it's been bugging me! So here is the beginning of a story I would like to write but, I have no idea were its going to go...
       Titile: Ma Cherie...

His well shined boots crunched between the dirt and fallen leaves as he stepped of out the carriage. It was early morning and the chill in the air felt partly refreshing after being in a stifling carriage. The air was cool but also muggy as he tried to smooth his hair back to its original place between the navy blue ribbon. He walked through cool air of the forest, going to stand by the other men waiting for the dauphine to arrive.

He heard the bundle of carriages being pulled by their respective horses as they got closer to where the ceremony was going to take place. He dusted off his shoulders and straightened out his perfect, well stitched jacket; he had to make sure he looked like the faultless Frenchmen. One of the men was whispering, it sounded like to a friend “I’ve heard this Austrian girl isn’t that bad.” He chuckled to himself ‘We shall see…’

The well made carriage arrived right on time in front of all the French court. As all of the carriages came to a stop, members of the Austrian court leaked out of the carriages. Then the women that everyone had came here for stepped elegantly out of her carriage with the help of others. Marie Antoinette.

Now as soon as she walked out the carriage she caught the attention of many. This Austrian princess almost looked like a French dauphine. Her blond hair thin frame was highly liked at that time and her clothes almost looked French too, maybe she could be a dauphine of the French Empire but France realized this was only the cover.

She stepped, no glided towards the members of the French court, it seems she had learned a thing or two over in Austria preparing for this day. Her milky skin was flawless and the blush along her cheeks was perfectly placed. The almost French dress was also well made. The intricate designs and colors that played along the skirt stood out compared to the dreary earth tones of the forest. She was a porcelain doll brought to life.

She curtsied to Louis IV and other members of the French court. She soon arrived at Francis; he took her hand and slowly pressed his lips to her small hand encased in a cream white glove. As his lips were at her hand, his eyes slowly met her young eyes. “Bonjour, Pleasure to meet you, Dauphine.” He said smoothly.

He saw pink spread across her face, that wasn’t the man made powder put on her cheeks. Francis thought he heard a stutter in her voice as she looked down him “Bonjour, monsieur.” She did her curtsy and moved onto the next one in line. His gaze followed her as she bowed to others and even looked at back at him for a moment. As he looked he heard someone clear there throat right behind him. He looked over his soldier.

“Bonjour Roderich.” France said looking at the man, his clothes seeming plane next to his. Plain blue and white, plain black boots, he was so Austrian.

“Guten Morgan… Francis…” He looked almost unsettled as he said the other nation’s name. He looked him up and down. There were so many buttons and designs to just one jacket, he was so flashy. The Austrian stood next to him as everyone started to settle down as Marie Antoinette was guided to the chateau were she would become a full on French Dauphine. “I hope you’re doing well…” He looked over to Francis still standing calmly.

“Oh Roderich, quit the formalities, what are you so nervous about?” France smiled as Roderich’s face showed a surprised look then quickly switched back to his usual neutral face.

“What am I supposedly so nervous about-”

“You know why…” Francis interrupted Austria’s attempt to diverge from the fact that France had gotten it right. “You’re quivering in those horrible boots right now.” France took a glance at them.

Roderich looked down quickly at them then went back to listening to what else Francis had to say, interested in if he in fact knew what he was so nervous about. He looked at him, looked at that smug smile of his that annoyed him to no end as he stood there waiting for what else he had to say.

“You and Maria Theresa are both scared. ”

“Well of course were scared!” He looked irritated at the calm French men. “Lord knows what’s going to happen if this alliance doesn’t work out; we have spent years, since her birth trying to perfect everything so that she does this right.”

France chuckled to himself at the unusual emotional Austria. He was always so formal and kept his emotions hidden all the time it was almost funny to see him like this, all frazzled at the situation them and their governments were in. “Well, your princess seems to be almost up to the French standards as far as appearances go.”

Austria’s eyes studied France’s expression, he didn’t approve of it. “If you ever think of…”

“Oh non, Moi! I would never do such a thing as your suggesting!” France acted shocked and bewildered at the thought of someone assuming he would do anything, scandalous to the French throne.

“Oh please Francis, all of Europe knows that the nobles and queens have a mysterious liking for you.”

France also chuckled again at Austria’s accusations against his lifestyle. He did know Maria Elisabeth very well… He chuckled again at the thought of it. “Me and Maria Elisabeth were just good friends I swear” he said waiting for Austria’s response.

Austria rolled his eyes at the French men. He looked over to the tiny chateau were Marie was being dressed like a doll; her white body being undressed from clothes that symbolized the house of Hapsburg into new clothes from the house of Bourbon. It was almost painful to watch this young woman have to grow up so fast under the strict and captious French court.

“Well…” The voice tugged him out of his thinking. He turned to France who had his hand out for a hand shake. How could this go well? He knew Frances people were restless, it was small bit of people but he knew the country was on the edge of something.

Austria took his hand and gave him a stiff shake. “Auf Wiedersehen…” He looked him in the eyes then looked over to see Marie dressed in all her new clothing, her hair powdered and white, cheeks like roses it was hard to leave her.

“Adieu.” France said with a smile as Austria turned to leave to his coach. France walked over to his proper coach too and gave a smile to the almost new dauphine. He sat in the coach and then, began talking again. “So Louis. How do you like our new dauphine?”

“She seems, well, a charming little thing.” He chuckled. Francis chuckled alongside Louis, she was charming, beautiful figure and eyes, she walked with grace, her French had a touch of a German accent, but none the less retained the elegance of the French royalty. She would be an interesting girl in the sophistication of French court.

He gazed over to the Dauphine one last time, and responded to Louis with a smile, “Let’s see how she does….”

hetalia fanfic, axis powers hetalia, hetalia, hetalia france, francexmarieantoinette

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