[Fanfic] France and Seychelles

May 29, 2010 00:01

Title: What Would Be A Perfect Morning
Chapter: Just chapter 1(Pretty sure there will be no following chapters)
Author: caramelsapples -me-
Rating: I guess K
Characters/Pairings: France and Seychelles
Summary: Seychelles gets to wake up and be with France in the morning hopefully though, things go her way
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

Real quick I wanted to say I havent written in forever, and this was a quick drabble! Also about the French, anyone if you know French and have way better knowledge than me (Which Im pretty sure you do!) please correct me on any mistakes, I used a translator and you know how they can betray you...

“Seychelles!” he sang from upstairs. He must have woken up… sadly… She heard his footsteps dance down the staircase; he must have been in a good mood this morning, maybe he was going out with one of his many lovers or was going to flirt with Elizabeta next door (She knew that would be a failed attempt…).

On the other hand, maybe they could have a perfect morning like the one she wanted; maybe it would involve Francis coming down the stairs and making a delicious French breakfast. He would come down and great her like he normally did and give a kiss on both cheeks. He would say “Bonjour Ma Chére!” and tell her how beautiful she looked in the morning and how her hair looked magnificent and she would blush and try to ignore it. Then they would eat happily then maybe go to the market… at least that is what she hoped.

Seychelles daydreaming of all this sat at the table in the bright kitchen. The sun shone through the window as fresh air blew in along with the rays of sunshine. She waited for the toast in the toaster while hearing the familiar Frenchmen come down the stairs.

“There you are my Seychelles!” She turned around to see him standing there half-naked (he was too used to being undressed.) Her face went red all of a sudden seeing so much of him. She turned around to the fridge as she grabbed some orange juice and tried to distract herself by pouring some orange juice.

Kept down the squeak that tried to escape her voice as his arms wrapped around her “Bonjour Ma Chére!” he said holding her close in his arms.

“Bonjour Francis” she managed to whisper out, too much in daze by being so close to him even though he did this all the time.

“Look at how beautiful you are Ma Chére like usual!” He said with a wink as his hands ran through her long locks.

“Fr-Francis!” She said stammering out the words that were supposed to sound calm instead of panicked. “Want toast!” she criticized herself in her head for sounding crazy, she bit her lip trying not to blurt out anything else. Francis though did not seem to notice.

“Hmmm… How about I make you a French Breakfast!” He sounded so confidant in himself as he started searching around the kitchen.

He whistled as he gathered materials on the counter, maybe this would be a perfect morning; him greeting her with his warm arms and French words, a perfect French breakfast maybe this was going to be that perfect morning she wanted…

As he sat down the supplies for his workstation, he noticed the date on the clock. “Oh non!” He started piling everything he brought out into the cupboards again “Je vais être en retard!”

Seychelles eyes followed him racing back and forth in the kitchen as he rambled on words in French. “What’s wrong Francis?”

“I just realized I have something to do today! J'ai croire j'ai oublié !” He ran up the stairs to get ready for whatever he was about to go off to.

She heard him showering and getting ready for his outing. She wondered If it was a date or he just had business. She heard him pacing back and forth, he was in the shower for close to 30 minutes; this was probably a date. To tell now all she had to see is how he was dressed then she knew for sure.

He ran down stairs in slacks (He never wore jeans unless he was out with friends) and a pale blue dress shirt tucked into it. His black dress shows looked like they were just shined as they went back and forth across the floor looking for his blazer. She went to the closet to get his blazer; she always knew where it was.

“Où est mon- Oh thank you Seychelles!” He straightened out his outfit; this was defiantly a date… “I shall see you when I get back Seychelles!” he kissed her on the forehead and left within seconds.

She started to put away the things that he left out… Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stifled her sobs. “Maybe we will have a French breakfast next morning…”

French words:

Mon Cher: My dear

Je vais être en retard: I am going to be late!

J'ai croire j'ai oublié : I cant believe I forgot !

Où est mon- : Where is my-

hetalia, france, seychells

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