Giraffes and Dreams in Aquamarine

Mar 07, 2011 23:24

Giraffes and dreams in aquamarine

And scenes just as obscene

Parading your thoughts

At every turn, it seems.

Living, loving and lost

We find

The greatest of our times.

*snap snap snap*
okay my odd poetry corner is over, and I'll leave that up for interpretation (LEAve YOUR interpretation belowwwww as a commenttt  for shiitss and gigglessss)

Sooooo I realise I haven't updated this journal in a while... It's a shame--I know... I'm failing at updating most every little online doohickie that I own....RAAAWRRRR SORRRRY FORGIVE MEEEEEE

so moving on...
-snagged a bf...bascially I hit him upside the head with a rock and forced him to ask me out. I am just kidding of course ....*goes and hides rock* nah we're pretty chill--good times all around for the past three months
-I've been continuing school. BLAH. it's hard sometimes but I hope that in the end it will be worth it to have some kind of degree....
-I HAVEN'T been drawing recent recently, but kinda yes and no. I realllllllly want to get back into drawing and posting stuff on my DA, but man its hard to scan stuff and clean it then color and post. :< sorry guys I'll try harder for the sake of myself and my own dreams and goals and such what not

Unfortunatly there hasn't been anything TOO crazy or like amazing in my life...I'll make sure to try harder to be AWESOME and have AWESOME things happen to me. but  much like the title to my journal...amazing and incredible things do happen...just not to me :M

One crazzzy thing that did happen was this:

So my sister and I were at wallmart and we were paying for our stuff and and this creeper of a mexican dude behind us says really "smoothly" (but this I mean smooth as sandpaper), "I could help you ladies take your bags...all the way to your trunk."
my sister and I looked at eachother--to make sure to confirm 1) we were both dressed horribly, she with smudgey makeup and I with NO makeup and 2) the fact we only had one TINY bag and needed NO help.

Just on reflex I assumed he worked there and was sound of mind so naturally I said "No thank your" and my sister and I walked away only to stop mid-way to the exit realizing that we were in fact just hit on at walmart. by a creepy guy. Needless to say we left that walmart that day quickly, with me clutching my mace.

annyyy whoooooot ugys
I must go to bed, I think I've done enough crazy little update for the day so enjoy this picture of the mexican creeper who hit on us:

Love always,
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