Sep 16, 2004 20:43
uh, major updates. I definetely DO NOT like the italian stalion anymore who by the way was M*r**. nevermind, halfway thru that i was just like, never mind im not gunna say. Do i like anyone else??? no, currently i am abhorring the entire male race. when will my price come? =( uh, oh well. moving along: euro test was wed. and i think i did pretty goood. but i'll never know cuz im thinking mcdonough will NOT be giving those grades back. chem test was today, which was super easy. i luv ms. mess, we hardly do anything. in retrosepct...
its official, i am never going to completely HEAL over luis. its gunna be like a freaking scar that REOPENS and BLEEDS with every hateful action he gives me. oh-k, maybe that was a lil dramatic, stupid Scarlet Letter is playing with my mind. but still, it hurts like a mother when he he ignores me and treats me like shit.
speaking of hurting, my legs are on FIRE>. . . Man, i started hip hop class two days ago, and my legs are intenstely sore. like really bad. maybe its cuz i've been a fat ass and not excerised since like 8th grade volleyball team...hmmm...well my leg muscles were definetly NOT prepared to do fricking USHER backstage dancer moves (like fricking 1001320489198451 moves per minute!). . . plus i rele wasnt into that whole Streching spiel and i most definetely did NOT do that whole cool down stretch afterwards. so in simple terms, my body is fricking electrocuted! dawn was trying to give me tips after cooling my muscles, which is soooo sweet of her. i love her lol. but i havent had the chance to do that yet...hmm, i think im gunna go put my legs up and watch some tube. leave sum. XoOx